Archer Oh - WKNC Interviews

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hermajesty and Eubanks interview Archer Oh about their new album, writing songs at little Ceasars, and playing around the orange county diy scene as well as live recording of their songs Dianthysis, drawings of nothings, and Easy Eyes.

Owen 0:00
Welcome back to WKNC 88.1 FM HD One in Raleigh. I'm Hermajesty and I'm also here with my co host Eubanks. Today we are with Marina Valley and the surf garage rockers Archer Oh. I was lucky enough to catch their show last night and get them into the studio today to sit down and play a few tracks. But how about y'all introduce yourselves?

Archer 0:19
Hi, I'm Archie. I sing and I play guitar.

Juan 0:21
I'm Juan and I'm on the bass.

diego 0:25
My name is Diego, I play lead guitar.

pedro 0:27
And I'm Pedro, I play drums.

Grant Eubanks 0:31
That's pretty sick, and that is Archer Oh. O-H. Yeah, not Archer O.

Owen 0:41
Hey guys, this is Her Majesty in the edit, and I realized that we did not record intros for any of the songs but we just introduced the band, so without further ado, here is the first track you're gonna hear, Easy Eyes.

Archer 1:09
Alright, we know you can do it alright, the joke was I can't. Hey, you got this song? Alright.

Grant Eubanks 5:20
What do you have to ask today, Hermajesty?

Owen 5:24
I was just confused, I thought you're going on.

Grant Eubanks 5:25
I wasn't going on me, but I was just clarifying Archer Oh.

Owen 5:28
Fair enough

Archer 5:29
Yeah, some people do get confused.

Grant Eubanks 5:31
I know if I was listening to that, I would think it was A-R-T-U-R-O.

Archer 5:36

Grant Eubanks 5:39
O-U-R-C-H-U-R-O, our churro

Owen 5:43
Grant you know I'm phonetically challenged. How would you explain Archer Oh to first time listeners?

Grant Eubanks 5:53
Yeah. yeah. Yeah. I think so.

Archer 5:56
I just say we're kind of like indie, surfy indie slash garage, kind of just raw sort of sound is what we're going for, I guess. Just, that's how I would describe it, kind of succinct like that.

diego 6:12
More or less what it is.

Grant Eubanks 6:13

pedro 6:15
Just, just a big blend, you know, of other types of genres and such.

Archer 6:19
Yeah. Mostly, it's like, indie with a lot of, I think, surf influence.

Owen 6:29
Um, so yeah, Archer, what was it like turning, transitioning this from a solo project to a full four piece we see now?

Archer 6:37
Um, I think it was really kind of seamless. It felt like it was. It was pretty simple. We were having a lot of fun along the way. So it's like, think you, like you said it was a solo acoustic, and then me and Pedro, we kind of joined forces to get some percussion up in there to get the acoustic songs. And so then it was like, Oh, well, since now we got some loud drums. Let's get some loud, louder guitar, or an electric guitar. And then from there, it's like, you can throw in another guitar. And from there, you get some bass and you gotta, you gotta full band. So pretty, pretty seamless transition, as I would say.

Owen 7:14
Yeah. I saw that y'all's first show was that you threw your own house show.

Archer 7:20
Oh, yeah.

Owen 7:20
What was that like?

Archer 7:22
It was, I think it was cool. Yeah, because no one would give us a show. Yeah, so like, we were like in a bunch of people's DMS. Oh, please, please, can we play the show? And then people just leave us on read. So I'm like, Alright, so we threw it at, at my house. And that night, it was like rainy so like, all the other house shows around the area. They got cancelled. But like, we were like, Well, we already set up everything. We threw up a tarp we, we set up some plastic bags and some towels and then the people who were, who left the shows that got canceled, they came to our show and it was, it was pretty big success, I think

Grant Eubanks 8:06
I wonder if that picked up? I think it picked up. I hope so.

Archer 8:11
Excuse me. That was, that was me.

Grant Eubanks 8:16
Just growled in the pixel six. Plug in, sound, cool. Yeah. Next question.

Owen 8:25
Do you still work at Little Caesars?

Archer 8:27
Oh, no. I, you know I. For how much-

Owen 8:32
You guys are the whole shift team.

Archer 8:35
For how much I talk about like Little Caesars and stuff. I actually didn't work there that long. I worked there like nine months. And that was back in 2017. So it's been like,

Owen 8:43
Yeah, that's pretty far removed.

Archer 8:44
Yeah, you could have made a pizza five years since then.

Grant Eubanks 8:48
Pizza baby.

Archer 8:50
I started working somewhere else. I'm not going to name drop them. But like, but, work at a different sort of program. I work in education, I guess. And when we're going to like, this is only my second job. Yeah.

Owen 9:07
Sick, so what's the best idea you've had in like the bathroom?

Archer 9:17
Probably I should. I should, I should wipe after this.

Owen 9:24
No, no, I just seen that you like had a lot of ideas when you were like washing things or like.

Archer 9:28
Yeah, that was a joke. I, yeah, I mean, you saw that I had the idea for Sophomore City when I was working at Little Caesars and like I would go into the, to the walking fridge to record my little ideas, same thing with the bathroom. I remember coming up with some lyrics for, for our song Easy Eyes when I was in the in the restroom of the Little Caesars. Because I don't know. Like, they, at that job. They wanted you to actually work, which I thought was kind of silly. cuz, like you can, I would have to hide to get my ideas in wherever I could.

Grant Eubanks 10:06
I cannot believe a Little Caesars made you work. It just doesn't seem like, up to their status quo.

Archer 10:12
No, no, I worked a lot harder on avoiding work, honestly, then, then actually just doing the work. I'm like, Oh, maybe I can do this. Maybe I can hide here.

pedro 10:19
As you should.

Owen 10:21
What was the best hiding spot you found?

Archer 10:23
Behind the ovens. So like, I would kind of crouch down where like, the customers, they could still see me behind the counter. But like, if like, my manager was coming by, I could see the reflection in the hot boxes. And so like, I would just kind of act like I was cleaning up some trash from behind there. I'd be like ah, here we go. Oh, hey, what's up?

Grant Eubanks 10:45
And it'd be like, you've been here for 45 minutes.

Archer 10:47
Yeah. You don't know that. Like, I've been working on landing right here. I've been getting these pizzas out of the oven. But it'd be kind of slow, like, no pizzas coming out. No one ever really pressed me for that.

Owen 11:01
There's really not a lot to do at a pizza place when there's nothing, when there's no customers.

Archer 11:05
I, believe me, they'll find something for you to do.

Owen 11:06
No I, yeah, I worked. I worked at Domino's for a bit, it's ridiculous.

Archer 11:11
You got time to lean you got time to clean.

Grant Eubanks 11:13
Oh my God. You're making me upset. These are bringing back bad memories. Not hot enough. Not ready enough.

Archer 11:23
It was never either of those.

Grant Eubanks 11:26
Cold and unprepared pizza. Still good though. Oh, I worked at Papa Murphy's which was literally cold and unprepared.

Archer 11:33
Oh my gosh. Oh, yeah. That's the, That's one of those like frozen pizza places that you-

Grant Eubanks 11:37
The flaccid pizza place. Yeah. Think about it.

Archer 11:41
They accept EBT you know?

Grant Eubanks 11:43
It's literally just dough and sauce and cheese and veggies. Just take it.

Owen 11:59
That, is that a geological feature?

Grant Eubanks 12:01

Owen 12:02

Grant Eubanks 12:03
It's like the, the ocean.

Owen 12:06

Grant Eubanks 12:07
The water in the ocean?

Archer 12:08
Marinara trench.

Grant Eubanks 12:13

Owen 12:13
Next question, please. Next question. What's the weirdest show you guys- show experience y'all have had?

pedro 12:21
Weirdest. Um.

Archer 12:24
You guys can tell him about Paris. Or you can tell him about that one Las Vegas show with the British guy.

pedro 12:30
Oh, friggin, we had to, we played a show out in Vegas one, um, we had a show out there and we make the trek. Usually it's a four hour drive from Cali to Vegas, or we make the trek sometimes. And we had a show at a venue, seemed pretty normal up until-

diego 12:47
It was a bar.

pedro 12:48
Yeah- oh, it was a bar. Oh, we were at a bar and seemed pretty standard for Vegas bars up until, I guess even more standard is that this, this British sound guy came out. And he was you know, saying, Hey, you ever met anyone who's met the Beatles, you know, and stuff like that. And we're like, no, that's cool. That's an interesting fact. And he's like, he's, or he said like, he met him like, six times or something like that.

Archer 13:16
You ever. You ever met a man who's met, who's seen the Beatles? Eight different times?

Grant Eubanks 13:21

Archer 13:21
And he's like. You're looking at him.

Grant Eubanks 13:25
Like an old sea captain.

pedro 13:26
Yeah, and we're just, we just thought it was a little bizarre, because it's like Vegas. What are you doing here? And like, you know, the US is, you know, play, play space or whatever. You know.

Archer 13:36
He came up to us and he was like, he's like, all right, which one of y'all is a singer. And I was like, oh, that's me. He's like, I knew it. You're too pretty not to be singing.

Grant Eubanks 13:45
What the heck, I mean.

pedro 13:54
The, the guy who like technically invited us to that show or whatever. Like, they were having a back and forth with that, the sound guy. And at some point, it's, it's this Mexican dude, at some point. We just overhear that he tells the British guy he's like, No mames, mate. You know and that's like, that's like a, that's a Hispanic expression. But he mixed it with you know, mate, and that, we thought that was silly. You know, like you were there, back and forth. Yeah, back and forth. But that was pretty weird.

Grant Eubanks 14:24
Truly bridging cultural divide.

pedro 14:27
Oh, yeah.

diego 14:28
I feel like there's weirder shows.

Archer 14:30
Well tell us one then, go ahead.

pedro 14:32
Floor is yours. All right, then. Okay.

Archer 14:37
Oh, there was one time when we were kind of starting off. And Juan wasn't fully integrated in the band yet. So he was filling in for Diego who was filling in for Pedro. Because, like he couldn't make it to this show. So we played two shows that day, one in uh, in uh, was at Pomona, Pomona, California. And then right after that we went to another show in Moreno Valley. And we went to this weird like, the one in Moreno Valley. Pedro said oh, I can probably make it to that one. So we pulled up there, it was about like eight o'clock and we were waiting for our set which is going to happen in probably about an hour and we were calling Pedro and calling him, and he wouldn't answer and we were in this weird show that was like, totally like, not for us like, it was just like this weird like punk show, and there was like a fire in the middle of everything, like they had like a fire pit. There's all these old people like dressed up like Jeff Hardy and, and like the music was like, really like aggressive and stuff and which is like, that's its own thing right? But like aren't, we're gonna play like a song like, that was like, really light, like do-do-do-do, we're like, we're gonna get beat up, dude. Get some beer bottles thrown at us or something. And we eventually decided to just leave, straight up just took off, we're like, we're like no one's gonna miss us. No one's expecting us to play and like, we told the the person who got us, Hey, we're gonna leave now. Oh yeah, that's fine. Yeah, yeah, I get it. That was a weird one too. We had our fair share of weird experiences.

Grant Eubanks 16:14

Owen 16:16
Here is their second track, Dianthus.

I also saw, I saw on your Twitter, you guys got bumped so that someone could play 45 minutes of Girls Just Want to Have Fun.

Archer 20:17
Oh, where was that?

Juan 20:19
That was at uh, wasn't that in that garage show. In Mobile?

Archer 20:22
Yeah. Now I remember, that was like a October show.

Juan 20:26
Yeah, I think it was a Halloween show.

Archer 20:28
The Halloween show. Um. It's a specific band, but we're not gonna say who.

Owen 20:34
Yeah, you guys don't have to say who, I just like, I'm just so genuinely curious. Just how that happened.

Archer 20:39
They were supposed to play later. But then like, they threw like a fit about how like it was getting late. So like, they took our spot. They like, they took our set time. And then they just, and they went over, they went over by 15 minutes. And like, they were like, Alright, here's the next one. Here's another cover. And then we were like outside just kind of like stewing about it, just mad like, and then like, we hear like, Alright, here's another one. Girls, they want to have- and we're like bro.

Juan 21:05
Like, you're gonna steal our time, and then use it for that?

Archer 21:11
Like, we'd be less mad if it was like their own music. Like they're pushing their own music, but they're just kind of like,

Juan 21:16
They're, they just kind of, they wanted to have fun at our expense.

Grant Eubanks 21:20
They were, they were the girls

Archer 21:22
I think I'd be less mad if they were girls, you know, like, but they weren't.

Grant Eubanks 21:31
Cuz it's not as accurate.

Archer 21:33
That's what I'm saying. It's like, how you gonna, how you gonna talk on their behalf?

diego 21:38
We did have that one show where someone pulled out a taser. Yeah, in Paris. I think. Remember? Like, that one?

Archer 21:46
Nope. I need more context.

diego 21:48
He seem nonviolent?

Archer 21:49
Uh. Yeah. Someone pulled out a taser. That's kind of, that's kind of the long and short of that story. There was that.

Owen 21:57
Did someone get tased?

Juan 21:58
No. They just pulled out a, they just brandished a taser.

Archer 22:03

Grant Eubanks 22:07
Yeah. Was it like, the exposed electricity one or did, was it the shooty one.

Archer 22:15
Nah, it was the, exposed one. Which I guess technically they call those stun guns, which makes no sense. You know, it's not a gun.

Grant Eubanks 22:21

Archer 22:21
It's like, the taser. Right there. That show was weird, too. While we were playing, there was some drunk guy that came up to me. He was gonna pour his beer on me. And, and Juan stopped him. It was. Juan's the one that protects me during shows sometimes, like there's been other shows where we've been playing and like,

diego 22:40
Where was that?

Archer 22:42
That was that same show, the one,

pedro 22:44
The, keep the scenes safe and non violent,

diego 22:46
at the Blue House?

Archer 22:47
I don't know. But we were playing this other show one time and these people they were getting really crazy. And like that's, and they had their beer and they were gonna spill it all over. All over me and like my equipment, and Juan kind of just like shoulder tackles them.

pedro 23:01
Dude yeah. You totally shoved him.

Archer 23:04
And then like, takes his beer away, puts it down somewhere else.

pedro 23:07
That was awesome.

Archer 23:08
And after the, after the song he's like, here's your beer dude, sorry about that.

Juan 23:12
I felt bad about that, dude. He looked, he looked at me with these eyes. Like, what did I do?

pedro 23:17
No. But didn't that guy eventually tell you like, No, thanks, bro for stopping me.

Archer 23:23
I wanted you to take it.

Juan 23:27
Like, he was making a joke, but he straight up was like, I, because I gave him the beer back. And I was like here dude. Like, sorry, you know? I don't want to, I didn't mean, I don't want to be mean or nothing. But you know, like, we're poor. And we can't be buying a bunch of crap that gets ruined by beer. And he's like "Oh, no, yeah, bro. No, it's cool." Like I was, I was just like, I was lowkey waiting, like, he was hoping that, you know, somebody.

Archer 23:57
Somebody stop me.

Owen 24:03
So in this situation, you're somebody

pedro 24:10
He's the guy.

Owen 24:11
Yeah. So what's the progress on the album?

Archer 24:20
It's all recorded.

Owen 24:22
Oh, it is recorded?

Archer 24:22
I'll record it, and it's mostly mixed. Pretty much all of it. So we're hoping for an October release. Throw a show, probably in Pomona or something, somewhere close to home. So we can celebrate with the people that play, play the whole artist. Yeah, people that have supported us this whole time because we're excited for that. That'll be fun.

diego 24:44
I'm waiting for sure.

Archer 24:45
You need a soundboard bro.

Owen 24:49
Would you guys ever like, like record a live version of it? Because I know, like inner wave did one of their whole albums at The Fox.

Archer 24:58
Oh. That'd be cool.

pedro 24:58
That'd be awesome.

Archer 25:00
Yeah, we're not opposed to that it just never occurred to us.

pedro 25:02
Yeah. Maybe if like we did it at like a, like a super, super crazy venue. Like The Fox.

Unknown Speaker 25:10
I guess

pedro 25:11
The Fox is what, like, 2000 cap?

Grant Eubanks 25:14
I was thinking like the Fonda.

pedro 25:16
Okay the Fonda? Yeah.

Owen 25:17
They also did a live. at one.

Archer 25:18
Yeah. Well, that would have been a great time to plug the fox, that we're, that we're playing with the red pairs at the Fox Theater, Pomona.

Unknown Speaker 25:26
When we come back in April.

Archer 25:27
April 2nd, for all you North Carolina listeners,

Grant Eubanks 25:31
And, and we cannot tell anybody to go to this show. We cannot describe how wonderful it will be if they go, but we can just state the facts, that it's happening.

Unknown Speaker 25:49

Grant Eubanks 25:50
And that is a venue. And I'm sure that some people who go there, I don't know how many people, it could be the majority, will enjoy it. And will hear your music, which I personally think is very good.

pedro 26:03
There it is. Appreciate it.

Grant Eubanks 26:06
But we cannot tell you

Archer 26:07
What, he didn't do anything? he's not

Grant Eubanks 26:09
I'm just giving information.

Archer 26:11
Thank you for describing that.

pedro 26:12
He thinks it's very good.

Grant Eubanks 26:13
Yeah. We're non commercial stations.

Owen 26:15
Which I often do and fully embrace.

Archer 26:18
Your views do not reflect the views of the station.

Owen 26:22
No, we speak for the entire universe. We say anything. And it's rather monolithic, it's gotten us in a lot of trouble.

Grant Eubanks 26:30
If that was the case, our Twitter, like the canonical like, I don't know,

Owen 26:37
We actually got yelled at about it like before a podcast one time. They're like, you have to start putting disclaimers in front of the podcast episodes.

Grant Eubanks 26:50
Warning. We, yeah, we pushed the limits of this station, for sure about what we're allowed to say.

Owen 26:56
A real email we got was Rango erotic fan fiction copyright: urgent.

Grant Eubanks 27:04
It was a time sensitive email.

Archer 27:06
Now I want to read that email.

pedro 27:08
He's, he's a big fan of Rango, this one over here.

Archer 27:11
Well, not that big of a fan.

pedro 27:13
No, no, that big of a fan.

Archer 27:14
Not that big of a fan.

Owen 27:15
Okay, wait, I have a working theory. So, I just have a theory that everybody has seen Rango once around when it came out and has no actual idea what happened in it.

Archer 27:24
No, I love that movie.

pedro 27:26
Oh, see, there it is.

Archer 27:26
I can describe it to you right now.

Owen 27:28
I mean, I know, I've watched it recently. I love it too.

Grant Eubanks 27:31
Can you describe it to us? Just like elevator pitch.

Archer 27:34
Okay, sure.

Grant Eubanks 27:35
If you were pitching that movie to a studio, in a world, yeah.

Archer 27:38
So, the main character is a chameleon, right? And what do chameleons do? They change themselves to the surroundings. Okay? So you have this chameleon, who is essentially a blank canvas, and he's thrust into his own story. And he changes himself to fit to this story. And not, and at first, it's just superficial. But by the end of it, he literally has changed and evolved and grown to fit this new environment that he's found himself in. And benefits there.

Grant Eubanks 28:04
I didn't expect like a thematic analysis of it.

Owen 28:06
Yeah, I thought you're just going to talk about all the other crazy stuff that happens, like how it's just a land development scheme the whole time.

Archer 28:14
Um, no spoilers here. Go watch the movie for yourself, you'll find that it's a lot deeper than you remember.

diego 28:19
Yeah. He's an English major, or was.

Grant Eubanks 28:23

Owen 28:24
Thematic analysis of Rango, okay.

Archer 28:26
It's a beautiful story, honestly.

Owen 28:29
It is. There's like, there's like at least one Oxford paper about it.

Grant Eubanks 28:33
Oh, yeah yeah. So we found a bunch of research papers about it. The whole copyright deal is that we read it on a podcast, we read erotica, then the issue with the copyright was that, that person technically had the copyright for their Wattpad Rango Rattlesnake Jake erotica. And in the midst, I read like an Oxford academic paper about it like, you know, we did paragraph by paragraph of Owen's synopsis, the erotica, and then this Oxford paper talking very similar to you did, too, as you did about that.

Owen 29:02
So why do you have Diary of a Wimpy Kid on your website?

Grant Eubanks 29:04
I saw it on the docket and I have no, what is that?

Juan 29:08
Is it, is it still on there?

Archer 29:10
I was wondering if anybody would ever find that.

pedro 29:15
Some light reading, some light reading, yeah.

Owen 29:19
You can download it. The whole, it's the whole PDF.

Archer 29:25
Now we're gonna get like a cease and desist.

Grant Eubanks 29:28
Jeff Kinney kills Archer Oh.

Archer 29:31
Because cuz I'm like, no one's ever gonna find this.

Owen 29:34
Don't dig it down. Unless this somehow gets tracked.

Archer 29:36
I'm like, I'm like, no one's ever gonna find it. I think it'd be so funny. Because like, I had the PDF. I'm like, let me just throw it in. Because we were doing the website, the like, our Square App, let us make its website for our merch. And like, it was like, Oh, you can throw a PDF down here. And I'm like, no kidding.

Grant Eubanks 29:52
I know what I'm gonna put here.

Archer 29:54
I was like, is there like a limit to this? So I clicked and dragged and then it was like, oh, no, that's the entire book. And like, you, after I made the website I started reading, I got like a good like,

Owen 30:05
All of his other books in it.

Archer 30:07
I got like 15, 20 pages in and I was like "Wait, what am I doing?" Like,

Grant Eubanks 30:12
That Diary of a Wimpy Kid had patch notes based on what you said.

Archer 30:15
I just wanted to see if anyone would ever point it out. And it's been like, like, a year and a half, two years and it's the first time anyone's ever mentioned that to me. So that's, that's really cool.

Grant Eubanks 30:25
That's your Nardwuar moment. We really try to embody him here. Anyway.

Owen 30:35
Some thoughts of Nardwuar that I don't want to think about.

Grant Eubanks 30:38
What don't you want to think about regarding Nardwuar?

Owen 30:40
I saw a really good tweet about Nardwuar the other day, but we can talk about that later, as in after this interview. Um, sorry. What do you guys listen to when you guys are on the road in the car together?

Juan 30:54
Oh, yeah we got a whole Spotify playlist

Archer 30:57
I got a tour playlist, like,

Grant Eubanks 30:59
Last year, I was so well organized.

Owen 31:02
This is the most this the best answer I've gotten to this question yet.

Archer 31:05
It's got it's got to be like, what, like 17 hours now?

Grant Eubanks 31:07
Usually we just get like uh,

Archer 31:09
Like 18 hours or something?

pedro 31:11
We, we, what we can tell you for sure Is that the anthem officially for this tour is Instant Crush by Daft Punk.

Archer 31:18

pedro 31:19
And Julian Casablancas.

Archer 31:21
Because when we started off, I was like guys the tour anthem is Locked out of Heaven by Bruno Mars. That song is awesome. It's a really good song. It's a banger but then like we started listening. Instant Crush, that one was in the playlist too. And we just like "put that one on again, put that one on again." That one's been on repeat 'cuz that song is,

Grant Eubanks 31:37
RAM is so good. Oh, I want to gush about Daft Punk for at least 10 seconds.

Owen 31:46
That's like our end of night, like we're laying down.

Grant Eubanks 31:49
Yeah, we're laying down in a gentle embrace.

Owen 31:53
In a pile.

pedro 31:55
Gentle robotic embrace.

Owen 31:57
On the big beanbag listening the

Grant Eubanks 31:59
This one got there.

Archer 32:01
We got a lot of stuff on playlists, it's like 18 hours long, you know? We got, we got some City Pop in there,

pedro 32:06
It's a mix

Owen 32:06
Do you have Plastic Love?

Archer 32:08
We got, oh yeah, that one's in there. We got some Tom Petty, we got, uh,

Grant Eubanks 32:14
That, uh, shift must be so dramatic.

Archer 32:17
We got some of the bands that we like, you know, like Pond and The Districts.

Grant Eubanks 32:22
Oh, I love Pond.

Owen 32:24
Pond is good.

Archer 32:26
We got, we got Whiskey River by Willie Nelson just to,

pedro 32:31
Just to fit the country vibe going through the desert and stuff.

Archer 32:35
We got, uh, lemme see.

Grant Eubanks 32:35
Any Kacey Musgraves?

Archer 32:35
Got some Michael Jackson up in here.

Grant Eubanks 32:35

Archer 32:44
We got, got just some surf rock, some Muse.

Grant Eubanks 32:47
What kind of surf rock are you guys listening to?

Archer 32:49
Oh, like, like, like purest surf, like a surf, purest surf.

Grant Eubanks 32:54
Like, any like, Beach Boys? I don't know if like, that's like

Archer 32:55
That's what I, that's what I mean. That's what I mean. Like, um like, these surf purists will be like "That's not surf. That's surf music with instrumentals."

Like Shoegaze?

At that point, yeah. I remember reading somewhere that Dick Dale like, was like upset about the Beach Boys. So that's just a surf sound.

Owen 33:16
But was Delltones upset?

Archer 33:19
I couldn't tell you that. But I have a surf playlist for like, when we want to listen to just surf. Really like Daikaiju, Dick Dale, Satan's Pilgrims, it's cool.

Grant Eubanks 33:32
Have y'all been surfing?

Archer 33:33
Nah, me and my friend Manny were like "aye let's go ins on some surf lessons." Like,

pedro 33:40
So that's something we're thinking about. Go surfing.

Archer 33:44
We're only an hour away from the beach. Like where we live? So it's like, totally possible.

Grant Eubanks 33:50
Can't wait to hear the updates on that.

Owen 33:52
So would you ever bust out the harmonica at a show?

Archer 33:55

Juan 33:56
We did recently.

Archer 33:57
We did you know at, uh, festival?

Grant Eubanks 33:59
What did you play it on?

Archer 34:00
What? Oh, we have this song called The Western Surf. And yeah, with that harmonica part was recently added to that song. Just,

Grant Eubanks 34:12
Ooh, I thought you're gonna say like, oh, I played on my mouth.

Oh, no.

Juan 34:17
That sounds like something I would say.

Owen 34:18
Would you guys do an El Paso cover?

Grant Eubanks 34:20

Archer 34:21
What? I'm embarrassed.

Grant Eubanks 34:23
El Paso, Marty Robbins?

Owen 34:24
Marty Robbins.

Archer 34:25
That's what I'm saying, I'm embarrassed. I don't know. I don't know.

Juan 34:27
You know what that is Pedro?

pedro 34:28
I think I've heard of it. Yeah, okay.

Juan 34:30
Diego, you know, stuff like that?

diego 34:31
Nah, nah.

Owen 34:32
Big Iron is like his other big song. It's like a TikTok audio.

Grant Eubanks 34:37
Fallout New Vegas?

Archer 34:38
I know that one. Yeah, that's embarrassing. Even more embarrassing than I know the song and I don't, no, we probably would not do

pedro 34:47
Final answer.

Grant Eubanks 34:48
I think I might link El Paso to you guys. It was also in the finale of Breaking Bad. It was the Felina song that had Felina in it. The name and it was the Western type deal. I think he might have been walking through the desert. I don't really remember but

diego 35:05
Not Western, but I like Tamacun off, I think it's like the first episode of Breaking Bad? Yeah, by Rodrigo y Gabriela? That one's, that one's good.

Grant Eubanks 35:13
There's some. There's some really good music in that show, like, TV on the Radio is a really good song. And then like black,

Owen 35:20
But it's music playing in a show.

Grant Eubanks 35:21
Yeah. It's good music though. Like Vince Gilligan and, wait, you saying music in a show?

Owen 35:31
But the song is called TV on the Radio.

Grant Eubanks 35:33
Oh, Okay.

Archer 35:35
I'm saying you need a soundboard. I was just looking forward to laugh when they need a laugh. We need a laugh track for sure. Yeah.

Grant Eubanks 35:43
Next question.

Owen 35:44
I know we're absolutely going to make a laugh track.

Grant Eubanks 35:47
It's inevitable. We've talked to friends.

diego 35:48
Request it in the budget.

Owen 35:51
Yeah. What are y'all's favorite fast food spot you guys have been hitting? Or even just like normal food that you guys get on the road?

Archer 36:00
Taco Bell is the spot.

Owen 36:01
Y'all get that taco pass?

Archer 36:02
But no, but on this on this tour, we actually haven't really been eating a whole lot of fast food. Just because we're like, we need to save money because we don't have any.

Owen 36:12
And your like, bodies.

Archer 36:13
We've been going to like grocery stores and convenience stores and stuff to get ice and like, yeah, like yesterday before the show we ate hot dogs that we got from Walmart for 99 cents. A pack of hot dogs and we got some instant noodles. We brought along an electric kettle

Grant Eubanks 36:33
Are y'all ice crunchers?

Archer 36:34
What is that?

Grant Eubanks 36:35
Like when you eat?

Archer 36:36
Oh, no, I would not dare eat any of the ice that we have. We just get it from the convenience store and we just throw it in our cooler and I'm sure it's not clean in there after a while. So those of you who are listening, we're showing for

Owen 36:50
The benefit of radio,that is a cup of instant ramen, and then a paper plate that has a slice of white bread on it with one hot dog in it. With a one, just go over a mustard.

Grant Eubanks 37:06
There's just like a solid blob of it. And then there's a little divot in the white bread.

Owen 37:12
Yeah, the bread is dented.

Archer 37:13
We, we, we got that bread from somewhere in Texas. We were on our way to Austin, and we'd like 59 cents at this, what is it called? Lowe's market? We're at 59, we weren't gonna get bread we bought, yes, you know. Yeah. So because it's cheaper, you get more and then we saw 59 cents a loaf so we got two of them.

pedro 37:36
Should have got more, truly should have stocked up on that.

Archer 37:39
And but we've tbh, so like I home the fast food spot's Taco Bell. But here,

Juan 37:45
Which we hit a What-A-Burger and we split to two sandwiches between the four of us. Two chicken sandwiches.

pedro 37:51
Which revisiting What-A-Burger was pretty good.

Archer 37:55
Yeah, that chicken sandwich we got was pretty good.

Grant Eubanks 37:58
I gotta say, and this is not you know, I can't ask anyone to do anything. The Taco Pass. It's just on their app. And it's, I got it once and it was a month of one taco every day for 10 bucks. And I just figure, yeah, that one that might be more compatible. I just realized that they kind of like screwed me on it because it's really hard to get 10 tacos in a month.Yeah, go to Taco Bell 10 times in a month, or like more than 10 times to get your money back is like.

Archer 38:30
I can do that. That's totally possible for us. Yeah.

Juan 38:34
Yeah, at home. We got a Taco Bell right there. They're around the corner.

Grant Eubanks 38:38
What's your?

Archer 38:38
We got like three of them.

Grant Eubanks 38:39
What's your order?

Juan 38:42
I always be, it depends if they got a good box up.

Archer 38:44
They got a good box. Oh,

Grant Eubanks 38:45
They got a good box, oh.

Juan 38:46
If they got a good box, we'll get that but if they got one of those dumb boxes that has like a bean burrito and like tortilla chips. I just get the, uh little Crunchwrap.

I think I'm gonna go to Taco Bell after this.

Grant Eubanks 38:52
I might also do that.

Archer 38:58
I used to, I pretty much always get the chipotle chicken melt.

Owen 39:03
Oh, off the dollar menu?

Archer 39:04
Yeah, if you have the chipotle ranch. They got this one that takes like a taco salad. It's like it's on the value menu too. I get one of those too. They're good.

diego 39:15
I typically get two of those as well. They fill me up like that. Before I used to get the mexican pizza, but sadly they discontinued that.

Archer 39:24
Damn, dude.

diego 39:25
Yes, but it was still good.

Archer 39:28
Every single time he got the Mexican pizza they would just send me on a tirade a bit bro. You're paying like $4 for like a tostada you can get for like a dollar.

diego 39:34
Like, and I'd eat it with, I'd eat it just as comfortably.

Archer 39:42
I'm like we did you a favor.

Grant Eubanks 39:43
We've, we've talked so disproportionately about Taco Bell compared to some other very like vital topics for an interview and I think that's just extremely hilarious like we're not sponsored by Taco Bell. In fact, I would try to encourage you not to go to Taco Bell

Owen 40:01
Just, but you can't.

Grant Eubanks 40:02
But I can't. I would try to. I'm neutral on Taco Bell as I have to be by my job. Next question, please.

Owen 40:10
What is your favorite Crayola crayon flavor?

pedro 40:17
A dandelion.

Owen 40:18
Here. Do I need to get the 96 pack out?

Grant Eubanks 40:21
Oh, you have it.

Owen 40:23
There's one.

Grant Eubanks 40:24
I just have to add real quick.

Owen 40:26
Grant, do what you do best. Stall.

Grant Eubanks 40:28
Stall? Okay, I just have to add that on the docket here, flavor was not written that was an ad lib.

Archer 40:36
I don't, I don't like that. That use of that word has a got a dual implication.

Grant Eubanks 40:40
Yeah, he just decided on the fly to implicate that he's like "Yeah, I eat crayons, and I assume everyone else does." Hermajesty eats crayons. This is a this is a WKNC original breaking news segment.

Archer 40:55
I heard a lot of jokes about a certain branch of the military eating crayons. I heard a lot of jokes about that, but like I don't know.

Grant Eubanks 41:00
SpaceForce? Oh, they eat space crayons.

Archer 41:05
And these are what NC, NC State leaves?

Grant Eubanks 41:08
It's just a really easy way to get nutrients. WKNC is neutral in the Space Force and doesn't know whether or not they eat crayons. I stalled, Hermajesty.

Juan 41:24
Oh my gosh. Does that have a sharpener on the back?

Grant Eubanks 41:26
For the benefit of radio, Hermajesty is bringing in 96 crayons.

Archer 41:28
Say that you guys lost this after the interview and that you couldn't find it anymore.

Grant Eubanks 41:35
A little snack on the road?

Archer 41:36

Juan 41:37
Oh my gosh, they're all brand spankin, dude.

Grant Eubanks 41:40
They're all brand spankin, yeah.

Archer 41:41
I just like regular, like like a crisp red. Like a red that's sure of itself. Which you know, honestly, honestly, I don't, I don't think Crayola has perfected that. You know you get their crayons and it's like okay, yeah, it's red I guess.

Grant Eubanks 41:59
I want a red that's sure of itself?

Archer 42:01
Yeah, I want to crayon that knows what it wants. I like colors that know exactly what they are. You know?

Grant Eubanks 42:06
Yeah, blue blue. That's beautiful. Maybe a newer crayon might not be the best option. Maybe an older crayon wouldn't know what it wants more.

Archer 42:12
No, no, even worse.

Grant Eubanks 42:14
On the on the paper more.

Archer 42:15
Yeah, you'd think but no.

diego 42:18
Too much time thinking about it.

Grant Eubanks 42:20
You don't want to use crayon?

Archer 42:21
I guess it's more like I'm a fan of markers, apparently.

Grant Eubanks 42:24
That makes sense. I support you.

diego 42:27
I like this one. The golden rod. It looks like a mustard yellow type thing.

Grant Eubanks 42:31
The golden rod?

diego 42:32
Yeah, like that.

Owen 42:33
Like that's a Pokemon city.

Grant Eubanks 42:33

Archer 42:34
Pokemon cities are named after colors. Yeah, yeah.

Grant Eubanks 42:42

Archer 42:43
Lavender, lavender. Lavender Town?

diego 42:45
Pallet Town is just like a palette of colors then.

Grant Eubanks 42:47
Oh, I thought it was like the world.

diego 42:51
What? I was just realizing that. Well, yeah Goldenrod it is. What about you?

Archer 43:01
He answered already.

diego 43:02
Oh, yeah?

Grant Eubanks 43:04
It's brown City. New Pokemon city.

Owen 43:07
Just Brown Town.

Grant Eubanks 43:09
Brown Town. You got that rhyme scheme going? Brown Borough, like an alliteration? I don't know.

diego 43:16
That's kind of what what our city is Moreno Valley. Moreno is like, like brown town. Brown valley.

Archer 43:24
A lot of a lot of dirt, Brown Valley sounds like euphemism, lowkey.

Grant Eubanks 43:30
Brown Valley. Yeah. WKNC is neutral on brown.

Owen 43:35
Brown people, brown skin, brown valleys. So what are some things that we haven't touched on that you guys want the listeners to know?

Juan 43:51
I don't know. Super grateful for every one of our supporters. And anybody listening to this that you know, gave us a chance and look this up on the Instagram and Apple Music, Spotify, all that? Thank you sincerely.

Archer 44:10
Honestly, really, because it's cool that people are even, like you said giving us a chance. Just, just listening.

Grant Eubanks 44:17
For anyone that's just tuning in, because this will be played on the radio. What's y'all's name again?

Archer 44:23
We are Archer Oh, like Archer as in like the show or you know, the profession that people yeah, people throw those arrows. Sure. And Oh, as an O-H like, like, O-H. Archer Oh, yay.

Owen 44:42
I'm Hermajesty

Grant Eubanks 44:43
I'm Eubanks.

Owen 44:44
The band Archer Oh, and you're listening to WKNC 80.1. FM HD-1 Raleigh.

Grant Eubanks 44:49
Do we have some songs that we want to play? Or will that be intermixed?

Owen 44:53
They're going to be intermixed, cool, then we can stop recording. Just kidding but without further ado here is their most recent single Drawings of Nothing.

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Archer Oh - WKNC Interviews
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