Boy Named Sue - WKNC Interviews

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The Loaf interviews local Raleigh artist Boy Named Sue about their upcoming album Anything to Anyone, the local scene, their music and themselves.

Tyler Farnes 0:00
This is WKNC 88.1 FM HD-1 Raleigh, you're listening to Off the Record, a show where I, The Loaf, interview local Raleigh bands. It's not just me, The Loaf, it's just really anybody that wants to do it here at WKNC. But you're getting The Loaf today. So today I have the pleasure of having Boy Named Sue, ahead of their new EP in the studio. How are y'all doing?

Ben Young 0:22
Doing well, thanks for having us.

Josh Grady 0:24
I'm good.

Tyler Farnes 0:24
Um so, so first start off. Who are you guys?

Ben Young 0:31
I'm Ben and I play guitar and sing vocals.

Josh Grady 0:34
I'm Josh, play bass and do vocals as well.

Scott Jackson 0:40
I'm Scott and I play drums.

Tyler Farnes 0:43
Nice. So, so where are y'all originally from? Are y'all originally from here in North Carolina, like you guys natives here, or?

Ben Young 0:52
Yeah, I moved here when I was six from Virginia Beach. I'm 34 now, so I mean, yeah, pretty much from here. Raleigh-Cary area.

Tyler Farnes 1:01
Yeah yeah.

Josh Grady 1:03
Born and raised.

Tyler Farnes 1:05

Ben Young 1:06
In Raleigh?

Scott Jackson 1:06
Me too.

Josh Grady 1:08
No, Wilson. Born and raised North Carolina.

Scott Jackson 1:14
Yeah, I grew up in Cary.

Tyler Farnes 1:16
Nice. So, so, I guess more of a sort of philosophical question. Now. I always like asking this to the bands, uh, what is Boy Named Sue to each of you? Sort of just like, you know, like, what does the band mean to you? You know, how do you see the band? Like, like, what's up with it?

Ben Young 1:35
Right, right. Um, ooh, that is a good question.

Tyler Farnes 1:39
A little bit.

Ben Young 1:41
Right. All right. Yeah, that's a really good question. I don't know, the it's my, part of my life. You know, it has been playing music for so many years. I kind of, you, you get almost used to it. And it's like, the only thing you want to keep doing. So it kind of means everything to me.

Josh Grady 1:58
Right. Yeah. I mean, at a point, music becomes the outlet. And it's, it's almost, I mean, it's a necessity right now. It's not uh, something that we could just stop doing, I believe.

Scott Jackson 2:11
Yeah, I agree with that.

Tyler Farnes 2:14
Is, um, is Boy Named Sue a reference to the Shel Silverstein/Johnny Cash song?

Ben Young 2:20

Tyler Farnes 2:20
It is?

Ben Young 2:21
Yeah. I like that you said Shel Silverstein.

Tyler Farnes 2:22
Yeah, yeah. Because Johnny Cash is the cover.

Ben Young 2:24
Yeah. And if you haven't heard, I mean, obviously Johnny Cash did an amazing cover of it. But the Shel Silverstein version, it's just like, so much, like, so much more animated and like, lively, because if you've read any, you know, I grew up on his kids books, like the kids books he had, you know, and, but yeah, so like, you know, very, very, you know, great, great track.

Tyler Farnes 2:47
Is, uh, is the reason why you chose the song just because you really like Silverstein thing, or are you just like, just one day, you were just like, Yeah.

Ben Young 2:57
Well, yeah, I mean, we could go back into, you know, if you know anything about this band, we've changed our name twice already. So.

Tyler Farnes 3:04
Yeah, you guys were previously Proper Sleep. And then what else?

Ben Young 3:06
Yeah, previously before that was Magnolia. When Scott and I first started this band, so that was like, eight years ago. But yeah, Boy Named Sue. I mean, yeah, the song is great. But I think it's what the message is behind it. And I think everyone takes it a little differently, but it's kind of, you know, best way to explain it for me, it's like the adversities that you're kind of, you know, that you're given and that you have no control over, you know, instead of sinking in to yourself, and you know, being a recluse, you face it, you face whatever, like, you know, troubles, demons, whatever it may be. Head on, essentially, and it helps make you stronger, I think.

Tyler Farnes 3:45
All right. So, so, so last, this is the last name, right? You sticking with the Boy Named Sue, you think?

Ben Young 3:51
Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah, this is it, I don't think we can we can, we can do it. We took a big chance on this change. And it's like, alright, we do it again, I think we're calling it.

Scott Jackson 4:02
Yeah, this is it. Final form.

Tyler Farnes 4:05
Awesone. A final form Boy Named Sue. So, so, so obviously, you're here for your music. So let's talk about it a little bit. Again, another question I always like to ask, how would you define your own music? Is it very, like, is it just pure just alt rock? Is it, you have some emo influences, sort of punk mixed into it? Like, like, how would you define it? Yourself? I know that seems, that's always a very tough question.

Ben Young 4:32
I think a mixture of everything to be honest, rock and roll, you know, with alternative, with indie, with emo. I mean, my, for me, like, what I've listened to over the last 20 years has changed, you know, and so like, what I listen to now is not what I listened to when I was 15. But those bands when I was 15 still are an influence to this day, in some way, shape or form. But I think it's just kind of like, we just let it come out. I mean, I don't even know like, when we're writing, it's not like, oh, I want to try to sound like this genre, or like this thing. It's just, here's the song and we're gonna let it write itself and we're along for the ride, essentially. Yeah.

Josh Grady 5:22
We, we definitely span the alternative, you know, dips of blues, dips of, you know, punk rock and little hints of emo here and there. But it's because, you know, we come from all, we, listening to stuff like that, when we get together. We do try to just let it be. And, and write how we're feeling. You know, what our direct influences probably come right out in the practice space.

Ben Young 5:56
Right, right. Right. Yeah, I know, for you. Like, there's definitely some songs on this new record, where it's, I can remember like, oh, I remember writing this and kind of harnessing maybe like, Jim Morrison from The Doors on one of the tracks on Can't Stay Here. And then like, having that in my head, and then the melodies and the lyrics, and kind of everything flowed from that. And then yeah, just like, little inspirations in the writing, you're like, oh, cool, that's like, kind of reminds me of, of this, I'm going to kind of run with it and see how I do it, and how we, how we write it.

Tyler Farnes 6:29
So, so very much in like your, your own, like, sort of, like, I guess your own process of music is that, is it very much like, you take inspirations from like, every little thing and sort of like put it into a song, just like?

Ben Young 6:43
Yeah, whatever naturally comes, I think, like, if you, you enjoy listening to music, and just listening to all kinds, you kind of just soak it up. Not knowing it, and it comes, it's released when you're writing.

Tyler Farnes 6:55

Ben Young 6:55
So it's not even like a conscious, conscious thing, going into writing a song. A lot of the times for me if I'm just on the couch, you know, diddling on the guitar, and then something just, my ear picks something up. I'm like, Oh, this is cool. What can this do? And then you start to see the like, little influences to help write, get you from this verse to the chorus or from this part to this part.

Tyler Farnes 7:19
So. Yeah, so it's very much a sort of a journey, right?

Ben Young 7:25
Yeah, each song's a journey man. And it's a lot of fun.

Tyler Farnes 7:28
So, so with that. Your first album, under Boy Named Sue, was released September 3 of last year.

Tyler Farnes 7:40
Yes, yeah. Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, you're right.

Tyler Farnes 7:43
So we're about 11 days from the anniversary of it.

Ben Young 7:47
Okay, this hasn't been out a year. That's funny.

Tyler Farnes 7:51
How do you feel? How do y'all feel about it? Sort of overall, a year later, do you, do you enjoy it? Do you wish you had changed some stuff about it, like?

Ben Young 7:59
Yeah, I think that it just naturally evolved, um, just through growing as writing together, but also circumstances, you know, the way I was, was our, our last bassist, our homie Keith, who played on that record was riding with us. And then, you know, he had his second kid, and, you know, it was like, alright, we don't want to put this pressure on you, definitely step back and focus on what you got to do. And that left us with, you know, alright, what are we going to do, and we had some songs already written. And Josh, you know, he had toured with us, filled in, during Proper Sleep on a tour, and we were like, Let's hit him up. You know, we've enjoyed writing and playing with him and hanging out. And Josh, you know, was down, and he came out, and when he started writing on the songs on this record, you know, that's coming out.

Tyler Farnes 8:53
Yeah. Come on.

Ben Young 8:54
Yeah. It's just, you know, you play, you both are great bass players, great musicians. But everyone has their individual style. And he, what Josh brought on on here kind of shaped these new songs and took them on another journey. And I just think it's, you know, just another step up from the way I was. More refined, more, kind of knows what it is.

Tyler Farnes 9:16

Ben Young 9:17
Right. You know, The Way I Was, I think has, has some really good songs, good songs, but this has, now more of a, you know, full thought, if that makes sense.

Tyler Farnes 9:27
It's more sort of just like, I guess, toned and not necessarily perfected, but like more sort of, like, you.

Ben Young 9:32
Yeah, we kind of know really what we want, like who we are, what our sound is becoming. I think we're still discovering that. Yeah.

Tyler Farnes 9:41
Uh. Oh, you want to say something? Um. So, so, so The Way I Was was recorded, at least what it says in your band cab. It's, it's it was recorded in California and North Carolina? Right?

Ben Young 9:58
Okay, so,

Tyler Farnes 9:59
Or is that?

Ben Young 10:00
Uh, Georgia. It was recorded in Georgia.

Tyler Farnes 10:02
Georgia, oh okay. Okay.

Ben Young 10:03
Yep, yep. And Canton? Right? Yeah. Canton with our homie Mark Harris.

Tyler Farnes 10:08

Ben Young 10:10
Yeah, he did another record when we were Proper Sleep called Feels Like Leaving.

Tyler Farnes 10:15
Yeah. Was it, uh, was it difficult to, um, to record during the pandemic? And sort of just like, I guess, or.

Ben Young 10:24

Tyler Farnes 10:25
Were you guys apart from each other, like, while recording and practicing too, or like, or no?

Ben Young 10:32
Yeah, we were uh. Scott and I recorded, we went down to Georgia to record everything but the bass and the second vocals, which we had never done that before, like, anytime we've recorded anything, it's been the three of us in the same room. Right.

Tyler Farnes 10:51

Ben Young 10:51
So but, yeah, it, COVID prevented or presented a big challenge for all the bands, for all us artists in general, right? You know? And, you know, at that time we were practicing, but Keith, who I said has a family you know, has kids to think about like, I mean, dude, he had a, a plastic like encasing in our storage unit. While we practiced, to keep him, you know, just from getting sick. Yeah, that time none of us knew really what the hell was going on either. So. So yeah, that with writing was a whole new dynamic, because now I can't really see Keith, you know, when we're playing. If I had photos, I do somewhere, I will show you but like, but we, it was like dude, we will do whatever it takes to keep it going. Because like, what Josh was saying, at this point it's a necessity. Like, this isn't just something we want to do. This is something we need to do.

Tyler Farnes 11:48

Ben Young 11:48
Yeah, so recording The Way I Was, yeah, Scott and I were together. And then when we came back and got the stands, we hit up a friend where Keith came out and recorded the bass. That's Isaac, shoutout to Isaac, you know, he's helped us out a couple times. And he did his vocals and bass there and then we got it mixed in California, or like mastered, I think maybe that's what you saw,

Tyler Farnes 12:08

Ben Young 12:09
I think, yeah. What's his name? Who? Who mastered it?

Scott Jackson 12:16
Think a guy named Ryan Schwab.

Ben Young 12:18
Yeah, Ryan Schwab, California.

Scott Jackson 12:21
Shoutout to Ryan Schwab.

Tyler Farnes 12:22
Shoutout to Ryan Schwab from California. We know you're listening.

Ben Young 12:30
He's been doing such good work. He might listen. I'll send it to him. I'll send him the link.

Tyler Farnes 12:36
So, so you talked about how like, it was very different, I guess, in, during COVID. And for you, writing songs together and all types of stuff. So. So now that you're out of COVID. And just sort of like more, I guess, being more collaborative. What's the songwriting process like for all of you? Is it very, is it very collective, collaborative, like very chill, like very much like, whatever idea comes, it comes right? I know you were hitting at that.

Ben Young 12:36
Yeah. Right. Right. Yeah. It's, it's always been collaborative from the get go, which is so cool. And you know, we've had a couple different bass players, and everyone who's come in has fit that energy in, you know, it's just very comfortable with themselves to just put their art on the table. And then we all just pick it up, mix it up. And it's just always fun. Like, you know, we've had practice last night, and we're out of the unit at 1am, 1:30, because you just start rolling. And some nights it's clicking and things are going well. And some nights, yeah, it's tough. But that's the beauty of it. Because not everything can be so easy and so great. And then you kind of forget it's worth, I guess, but yeah, definitely very collaborative. And a lot more now so too, especially with Josh being like solidified in this trio now, you know? Yeah, cuz on the end of Keith, of the record, like it was, what are we going to do next? And we're scrambling and now it's like, we don't have to worry about that anymore. And it allows us to be more creative, I think.

Tyler Farnes 14:06
Nice. So more going into the sort of song creation process, is it, do you have like, some songs where it takes longer for you to create, is it, is it very hard to grasp, grasp it a lot of times?

Scott Jackson 14:19
Some nights, I mean, sometimes it will just kind of come together quickly, like the song on The Way I Was called Anyways, that was one that came together in one session and the night where we just hopped on the wave and just, you know, but then yeah, there are other songs that you know, might span you know, months before it's a song, you know what I mean. Or at least the final form of the song. You just never really know, you know?

Tyler Farnes 14:52

Ben Young 14:53
And that's that journey, like each song takes you on a different one.

Josh Grady 14:57
And the songs can change over time, you know, even some of the stuff we've recorded for this album, I'd say we're playing it different live at this point in time, because this just, the more time you spend with something, you find this little way that you make it better for you, or you think you make the song more enjoyable. And you can't just wait in, and record a record when everything is you know, 100% perfect, because then you're gonna record it, and it's gonna get even better, you're gonna change it a little bit here and there. So.

Tyler Farnes 15:32
Are you guys very, very, sort of manic with, with like, your songs, you're just, like, always want to make it better? And sort of just, just come along with it? Like, like, always with your albums? And?

Ben Young 15:46
Yeah, I don't think so. I wouldn't say I am, I think I, you know, it's, this is a hard thing to get to too, is knowing when you're pushing a song too hard, or you're trying to like over perfect it because you can over perfect it to sometimes where you never write it, or, or you never release it, right. Or it can just take so much out of you that by the time you're done with it. I don't even like want to play it anymore, you know. So, I, we try to find that balance of just again, this whole, like, just write through it, ride the wave. And then that's it, at least you, you got a whole song. And then the more you play it, like Josh was saying, the tighter you get, the more comfortable you are, and then you find yourself naturally progressing the song, you know, changing it, but like, like for the live show, like the live performance, you just might, might give the audience a little something extra, you know, especially if they've been listening to, Oh, I really, I really liked that. Or, you know, for me, as a player, I, I always feel much tighter after recording. I don't think I have ever like 110 know I'm about to play everything super well. Just because I mean, maybe, because we're always like writing, we want to get music out. And we're starting to step back and you know, slow it down a little bit. But it's always been the process of repeating and repetition is just natural in the recording process. So by the time you get home, your next show, it's like, Whoa, I feel way better about playing this, this song, these songs now than, you know, two weeks ago. And that's so cool. And then it like, evolves even more, you know, maybe you find another harmony or like another like, me, like a way to like play the lick or like, you know, strum it like, I don't know, there's so many cool little dynamics that go into it.

Tyler Farnes 17:34

Scott Jackson 17:35
And as far as the writing process for us, we would generally get takes, you know, on a voice memo or whatever set up. So.

Tyler Farnes 17:44

Scott Jackson 17:45
I know, for me, I like to listen back throughout the week. Because sometimes, you know, I might hear a little something different that I couldn't hear in the space or something if it's maybe, it could be, whenever.

Ben Young 18:01
You're playing a tinderbox, so.

Scott Jackson 18:04
Or you know, sometimes you just hear it and just get, you know, helps kind of, helps me out with, but you can also beat a song to death. But I think that if you do that enough, you eventually figure out when it's happening, and so, you can not do it as much. So I feel like we, I feel like we did that more like four years ago, right? We would just, you know, write, you know, a million songs and beat half of them to death, and they never even got played or recorded, or anything, or maybe played them live once or, you know, whatever. But, um, I think that we're all at a point where, you know, we recognize that and so we don't really, luckily with Josh, since he's come on, we haven't really experienced that. And so that's been part of the fun too, you know?

Tyler Farnes 19:01
How long, how long have, how long of a journey has, has this been? Because, Because I know Proper Sleep is since 2017, obviously had Magnolia, so like, so like, how long have you guys been doing this?

Ben Young 19:12
2014? Yeah, I want to say Magnolia was 2014.

Scott Jackson 19:16
Yeah. 14, 15, something like that.

Ben Young 19:20
And we were, that was like a couple, two to three years. And then yeah, obviously.

Scott Jackson 19:25
We're about seven years deep.

Tyler Farnes 19:27
Did he? I was, I was 15 when you guys started writing. Like, that's crazy.

Ben Young 19:34
What was, what was like the first, what was the first thing you heard?

Tyler Farnes 19:38
Oh, well, well, I didn't start listening you guys until like, like a year ago.

Ben Young 19:42
Right. Right. Right.

Tyler Farnes 19:43
Like when I was getting to the local scene. Uh, the first thing I heard was Proper Sleep.

Ben Young 19:46
Cool cool.

Tyler Farnes 19:47
So I started with Proper Sleep and then like, and then I went to Boy Named Sue. I didn't know you guys were Boy Named Sue until I DM'ed you.

Ben Young 19:54
That's right, that's right.

Tyler Farnes 19:55
Because I was listening to it for like a set and I was like, Wait, these guys kind of sound, sound kind of similar. I also like.

Ben Young 19:56
I thought that was really rad that you put that together, by the way. I was talking to you in the DM and I was like, Oh man, that's so cool. Like, that's like showing me that you really listen. You know, like you were really listening, you picked up like, that means a lot. That was cool.

Tyler Farnes 20:15
Like, oh, like I also saw on YouTube that, that like one, like, sort of like, um, that's, that one's for a Tiny Desk thing that you did with um when, with uh yeah with Proper Sleep.

Ben Young 20:25

Tyler Farnes 20:26
I forgot what it was.

Ben Young 20:27

Tyler Farnes 20:28
But I remember I saw that too.

Ben Young 20:29
We did. At Hayday Guitars, we did a live session.

Tyler Farnes 20:35

Ben Young 20:35
Is it that one?

Tyler Farnes 20:37
It might be that one. But.

Ben Young 20:38
Was I wearing a sweatshirt? A gray sweatshirt?

Tyler Farnes 20:41
I think so.

Ben Young 20:41
And playing a gold Les Paul? Or yellow Les Paul? Cuz I, yeah, we haven't done too many recorded live ones. So that was, Wow. Yeah. That was like, early on. Think, Andrew? No, Keith was playing- Keith playing?

Scott Jackson 20:57
I think he had just joined.

Ben Young 20:58
Keith had just joined the band during that. Yeah.

Tyler Farnes 21:02
You guys have quite a history.

Ben Young 21:04
Oh, yeah. Yeah. So when you ask some of these questions, like, I don't want to go, don't go too deep. We're gonna be here for like, way more than one hour.

Tyler Farnes 21:13
Yeah. So um, so going back, I guess to more The Way I Was and sort of like, your music in general. So like, a lot of your music just seems like early, like, I'm listening to it. It's very, like raw, and like exposing and like, like, like, a lot of, a lot of the lyrics seem like, like, like it like, you're singing about insecurities, a lot of like, sort of just like, rage, and all type of stuff. That's how I see it.

Ben Young 21:41

Tyler Farnes 21:43
So like, I guess, for example, just like, Terrible Ways where it's like, Shapes, Fragments, like, like, a lot of those are like, they're some of my favorite tracks on The Way I Was.

Ben Young 21:51
I love Shapes. That's one of my personal favorites.

Tyler Farnes 21:53
Yeah. So, so, so is, so was your, is your songwriting and sort of, like The Way I Was just in general very much, like sort of, like, letting, like, letting your personal self out there through, through your music, and with all these, sort of just like mental stuff, and all that type of stuff? Is that a good shot?

Ben Young 22:13
Yeah, I think that's a great, yeah, I think that's a great perception. It all goes to like the necessity for writing music, right?

Tyler Farnes 22:20

Ben Young 22:20
It's a release for me, a way to- I'm not a good speaker, I would say, you know, so like, writing a song is a way for me to get my thoughts out in a format that makes sense to me. And I think, yeah, a lot of my songwriting definitely comes from personal, either like introspect, like be like, just looking in on myself, struggles, but also, like storytelling. I'm trying to, like, really, you know, kind of, like, learn at, like, just see something like, see something going on, and like, you know, family or like, my, you know, whatever. And then just understanding it, I don't know, like, you know, you talk to everyday with people, just any kinds of, not even issues, just like life, just life, man. And that's really what I want to like, that's all I know, is, that's all we, like, it's life, you know, living it. And we all live it in a similar way, and different ways. And, so understanding, trying to find understanding, I think is the big- and always searching and being willing to grow and, yeah.

Tyler Farnes 22:31
That's awesome.

Ben Young 23:04
I don't know if that made any sense. I'm sorry. I'm just talking about it, and then I'll give it to you. And then, this is what I meant to say.

Tyler Farnes 23:43
That's what I want to say.

Ben Young 23:44
Yeah, that's what I want to say.

Tyler Farnes 23:47
The Way I Was is, would you say it's a very personal album? Or just like, like?

Ben Young 23:53
Yeah, I'd say, all, it's all like, all the records, it's all, anything we release is gonna be personal. Because again, it's just like writing what we feel.

Tyler Farnes 24:03

Ben Young 24:03
And just being transparent. And I think that's been healthy for me and for, you know, just to be open and like, dude, this is it, and like, you know, there's, and there's still the secrets, though, right, that you always struggle with and like, and taking maybe just a split second of a thought and dissecting it, or the split second of a moment, and looking into just what that is and what that feels like, and it can open up right. Like.

Tyler Farnes 24:28
I think that, I think with that, like, What It's Like is definitely like, one of my favorite, like, obviously one of my favorites and it's definitely sort of seems like you're, you're dissecting that sort of thought of like, what is it like to not be me and to be somebody else and looking at myself?

Ben Young 24:43
Right, right. You ever people, like sat and watched someone and-

Tyler Farnes 24:46

Ben Young 24:46
I just wonder like, what if that was like, if I was in that, their shoes?

Tyler Farnes 24:50

Ben Young 24:51
And what would that feel like? Or if they were in mine, how do you think they would react? Yeah, I think that's a really good, that's a song we just worked on again yesterday, we're gonna be playing.

Tyler Farnes 25:00
Oh live?

Ben Young 25:00
Yeah yeah, What It's Like, yeah, yeah.

Tyler Farnes 25:02
It's, it's honestly one of my favorites and uh, yeah. All right, so now is, so now is the time where we do the radio thing, putting on some music for your ears that you'll hopefully enjoy, we have- well coming up, we got a boy- A Boy Named Sue's What It's Like, hope you all enjoy and when we come back we'll talk about Boy Named Sue's new full length album releasing on the 30th. Stay tuned.

Tyler Farnes 28:27
All right, and we're back with um, with Boy Named Sue. We're gonna be talking about their full length, um, Anything to Anyone. How do you guys feel about it? Are you are you excited about it? Like, like, what's the vibe of it too?

Ben Young 28:41
Oh yeah, I'm so stoked. Yeah, I yeah, just very happy to, to have these songs coming out and listening to it on the vinyl, like, really cool. Like, I don't know if like, anyone out there who listens to vinyl like, you get it, like, to hear your like songs on that, on like the wax itself, it just gives it a whole different listening experience. I heard the songs like, I was so nervous to listen to it, right, I hate listening back sometimes, to the, to the records but especially right before they come out. But, so I was nervous, and then putting it on, the first song Bollocks comes on. I'm like, Oh, okay. You know, I, we did something really rad here man, like, and that's, I'm just really proud of us, and proud of what like, this stepping stone, that anything that anyone, you know, could potentially be, you know, to the next like, batch of songs that gets written. Yeah, I mean, I'm just really, just really proud of how they turned out. And as far as the vibe goes, I mean, kind of give you a little bit everything.

Tyler Farnes 29:45

Ben Young 29:46
You know, I think it's really laid out. It's a good flow, and you don't get bored.

Tyler Farnes 29:52

Ben Young 29:52
You know, if that makes sense.

Tyler Farnes 29:53

Ben Young 29:54
And it's like 25 minutes. Give you like 10 songs in 25 minutes.

Tyler Farnes 29:59
Wait, really?

Ben Young 30:00
So yeah, yeah.

Tyler Farnes 30:01
Oh my gosh.

Ben Young 30:01
Definitely under 30.

Tyler Farnes 30:02
Yeah, I was about to say that The Way I Was was, was over, a lot of the songs are like, like under two minutes. I think your longest one is a three minute one. But like, yeah, do you like doing more shorter songs like that? Or like, because I've listened to like, like, like indie bands have like, like, well, like, I mostly do like shoegaze type stuff, obviously like, their song are more like, maybe like six minutes long and so like, is it um, it's, is it a very much a sort of like, you get it out there, you're sort of like loud and quick and then like full stop? Is that how you like to write your songs?

Ben Young 30:02
Yeah. What do you think? Scott?

Scott Jackson 30:44
I mean, yeah, I mean, we don't really think about it too much, I don't think but um,

Ben Young 30:52
I think it just happens. It's kind of like riding the wave, right? A lot of our songs have just, like really cut off, like real short, because it's kind of like, we feel like we've given everything that this song really needs and there's no need to do any more. And I'll say personally, I think it does come- that's been a growing process for me, too, I think on anything to anyone, I have, you know, worked at, not trying to make a song longer, but keep it, like, if it is going to be longer, how, how's it gonna, what are you going to do to keep it interesting, right? Trying to like, push myself, but still, you know, I definitely don't like to write too long of songs because I personally am like, alright, I feel like, this is too long. You know, I feel like people here are gonna hear it, they're gonna be bored. I think there's insecurities that come with that.

Tyler Farnes 31:40

Ben Young 31:40
But also just growing up, listening to like, especially early on, like punk rock, and just really quick to the point, you know, if it's catchy, you know, good rhythms, good lyrics, I'm with it, you know, you can say four things, and it'd be a great song. Yeah, and I think just naturally we like to write in just like that shorter timeframe. And we're three people too, you know, it's harder to like, I guess be, I don't know, have a, you can't have all these layers and all these things.

Tyler Farnes 32:12
Yeah. So, you've released two singles, from it so far, Missing Teeth and Come On Over. They sound amazing, by the way. I like the, the bass part on Missing Teeth. Actually, a lot.

Josh Grady 32:27
Thank you.

Tyler Farnes 32:27
Yeah. Do you like, do you use a pick on, on these songs or like, do you, do you go around and get- because I'm a I'm a bass player, too. So.

Josh Grady 32:37
Yeah, I use a pick on most of the tracks on this album. There's a few that are finger, but they're currently unreleased. Yeah, just all depending on what the song asks for. For the most part, I am a pick player.

Tyler Farnes 32:53

Josh Grady 32:54
Because I, I feel like I play styles of music where that comes to an advantage. But every once in a while we're doing something that maybe need to roll off a little bit and fingerpick and really just trying to look out for that and pick the right times.

Tyler Farnes 33:10
Is this album warmer and fuzzier than like The Way I Was, comparatively, because I see The Way I Was as like, very sort of, like more, I guess, cold, in the nicest way possible. But uh, and very sort of like raw and direct. Is it, Is Anyone to Anything, Anything to Anyone, sorry, more, more sort of fuzzy and warm? Because?

Ben Young 33:34
I think so. I think that's, yeah, it's from a lit- just purely even like listening, mixing recorded standpoint, listening from, listening to Anything to Anyone. And then I listened to The Way I Was. Real kind of like, night and day. And I think that's a great way to put it, this kind of cold and this kind of warm and fuzzy. That's, yeah, that should be the quote. New record, warm and fuzzy, below, you know, like.

Tyler Farnes 33:59
Warm and fuzzy. And also just to note, like, you guys are talking about vinyl, warm and fuzzy stuff always sounds great on vinyl too, it's like, I am, I am also like, excited to hear it on vinyl, just because.

Ben Young 34:13
I can't wait for you to listen to it. If that's what you like, listening to it on vinyl, you're gonna.

Tyler Farnes 34:17
Yeah. So, a lot of your earliest, I guess, a little bit, a little bit sort of a side tangent real quick. Your promotional image, your first promotional image for, for like, for announcing the song. You guys were on a beach? Right? That was the first one.

Ben Young 34:38

Tyler Farnes 34:38
Was that, was that Emerald Isle?

Ben Young 34:40
That was Oak Island.

Tyler Farnes 34:41
Oak Island. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I recognized it. But uh, yeah, yeah.

Ben Young 34:47
How far is Emerald Isle from there?

Tyler Farnes 34:49
Um, I think it's about like an hour or so.

Ben Young 34:51
Okay, yeah, right in that ballpark.

Tyler Farnes 34:53
Is it um, I guess like, I don't know why I get like, surf rock vibes from all the, from like, a promotional for Missing Teeth and all types of stuff because yeah, that too. Is it like, I don't know, is it? Is it more, I guess surf rock punk type style or deal or just like?

Ben Young 35:10
What do you mean?

Tyler Farnes 35:11
More specifically, like uh,

Ben Young 35:12
Like missing teeth specifically, the song?

Tyler Farnes 35:15
Yeah. Yeah.

Ben Young 35:16
Oh, uh, I don't, yeah. If it sounds like that, that, totally, I could see that coming across. It wasn't intended like that,

Tyler Farnes 35:22
yeah, yeah.

Tyler Farnes 35:24
And actually that's the title of the record, Anything to Anyone is a line out of Missing Teeth. Just cool little knowledge but uh, yeah no, I don't, I mean like, I was born in Virginia Beach. I've got family at the beach, grew up there you know, love it. So I think that naturally maybe like, influences that kind of vibe on that song. That was a song that also like, kind of came together fairly quickly. Because we just rode that wave of it. And then there was refining after it, but that first skeleton was pretty damn on point to what it, it ended up being, which is really cool.

Tyler Farnes 35:59
What, what song are you most looking forward to people listening to that hasn't been released? Or like, what's, yeah. What's that song where you're like, oh my gosh, like I can't wait for people to listen to this.

Ben Young 36:10
First one for me would be uh, Can't Stay Here. One I'm really excited about getting, getting out there. And then Beautiful in Blue, and then a third, I'll do three, and then Burning Up. Yeah, Burning Up's a way different track you know, so just buckle up for that one.

Josh Grady 36:32
Yeah, those are all like, probably the three songs that really venture out of what would be our normal sound. That's, that's where we switch it up. That's where I finger pick. Those three specifically.

Ben Young 36:49
I knew Can't Stay Here but I didn't know the other two. That's funny. That's funny. Great choice. I knew when to do it. That's perfect.

Josh Grady 37:00
Personally, I think the album closer, our, our original album closer, a song called In Between is gonna be a really fun one.

Ben Young 37:12

Josh Grady 37:13
We were breaking it out live and it just, it hits hard. I think it was captured very well. And it closed. You know, we have a, we have a cover at the end of this album. But as far as our, you know, 10 original songs. That's our closing one and um, I think it stands really well there. An eventful closer.

Tyler Farnes 37:35

Josh Grady 37:35
It does the same for setlist and whatnot. It's gonna be a fun one.

Scott Jackson 37:39
Yeah, that track has a lot of really great harmonies that these guys threw together.

Ben Young 37:43
Yeah, and that's one big difference I'll say from The Way I Was to this is you're gonna hear these harmonies that Josh has brought to the table and has just completely you know, rounded out.

Tyler Farnes 37:55
So like the sound makes it all, yeah.

Ben Young 37:57

Tyler Farnes 37:57
So with like, I guess creating an album, right? Is there like any sort of like, any feelings of just like, relief that you got? Like, like, like, like these songs, like, off your shoulders? Like, like you record it and you're like, oh my god like, that, that huge, the relief is off my shoulders and like now I feel like I can move on or anything like that? Or is it very much just like flowing through from song to song.

Ben Young 38:22
Yeah. Flowing man. You know, like the relief of like, it's like, Oh, heck yeah, we just got these recorded. I can't wait to start hearing the mixes back and then getting, like, working through that. Because that's another like, three months of trying to fine tune things. And then probably the most hardest part was waiting for like, the first release of like, a song. That's what gets me like super antsy.

Tyler Farnes 38:46

Josh Grady 38:47
I think all that stuff is the most nerve wracking.

Ben Young 38:51

Josh Grady 38:52
You know. Especially, we're doing everything in house. You have to take the role of you know, we're the, we're the producer, we're the promoter, we are the, the Social Media Manager, and so they don't feel like doing that stuff.

Ben Young 39:04
And, and like, and I think like, it's less daunting now, I think we've started to find like, a nice little rhythm with all of that, but still. But then it like, yeah, definitely opens this door to writing new songs. Right? You know, we've already been writing again, but not forgetting what we did, don't want to do that. Right? Like this is you know, a record we're so proud of, you know, you know, put all the time into this and that's what we're gonna do. But it does offer this, you know, once they're recorded, it's like, if we feel creatively that if a song comes out of practice, write it out to see you know, don't say no, we can't, we got to, you know, focus on only what we just did. But then you don't want to go the other way and be like, alright, we already did this. We'll play those songs when we play shows, let's only write. And we've done that before, you know, it's just learning, like pushing them, like Scott was saying like, beating something all the way to it and then knowing when to pull back. Finding balance, yeah.

Josh Grady 40:02
So, I mean, you're talking about Oak Island. This album that we're putting out, Anything to Anyone, we actually did the recording at Oak Island. So the picture you're seeing is like, you know, during the process, yeah.

Tyler Farnes 40:19

Josh Grady 40:20
Stroll to the beach while, between tracking drums and guitar, whatever was going on.

Ben Young 40:25
Shout out to Dan for jetski for taking the photos and for coming out out-

Josh Grady 40:26
Shout out Dan.

Ben Young 40:27
-for those few days, man, that was really really rad.

Tyler Farnes 40:32
Nice. Is there, is there anything else you guys would like to add about the single or anything like that, that, that they think people should know or that you're looking forward to?

Scott Jackson 40:42
A music video for Come On Over.

Tyler Farnes 40:44
Oh, sick.

Ben Young 40:44
Yeah, we got a, yeah.

Scott Jackson 40:45
We got a music video.

Ben Young 40:51
Yeah, the, our homie Garrett Barefoot man, really, really came in with something really rad for us. So that's this kind of, Oh, can't wait to put that out. You know?

Tyler Farnes 41:01
Is it? Are you guys like playing on the beach? Or something? Or like, like, just like playing in the sand?

Ben Young 41:07
Yeah. No, no, no, no, it's, it's actually, I think it's a really cool concept. You know, Come On Over tells a story. And I think we did a really good job collectively, of capturing that. Cuz music videos, we grew up on music videos, you know, waking up every morning turn on, like Fuse, or you know, MTV or VH1. And just watching these videos. And you, it kind of went away for a little bit and, or at least as far as like, you know, the style of videos coming out.

Josh Grady 41:41
Yeah, music videos mean a different thing nowadays.

Ben Young 41:45
Yeah. And I think that it can mean what it used to, which is another way to tell the story of this, or whatever it is that you wrote, you know, it's a visual now. So you got the hearing, put a visual to it. And yeah, have fun. It was a lot of fun. It was a first time, a lot of firsts for us, you know, recording videos. I'm no, we're no actors okay, you know, we're not getting any Emmy's over here. So also keep that in mind.

Josh Grady 42:11
Might get something. You might get an Emmy.

Ben Young 42:14
I might get a one star review. Get a one star.

Tyler Farnes 42:18
But why don't you, Come On Over? And it's just like, you're asking the question and just like, just some, some random like banana, or just like, something like, walking into the door. Like, like, I don't know why I was envisioning that. But uh.

Ben Young 42:29
There's some, there's a little bit of, there's some funny stuff in there. Yeah, we add some humor to it. Yeah. Yeah, very excited about that. So that's coming out soon and, and yeah, playing the show to celebrate Anything to Anyone on the 7th.

Tyler Farnes 42:44

Josh Grady 42:46
At The Pour House.

Ben Young 42:47
At the Pour House, yeah.

Tyler Farnes 42:49
I'll hopefully be there.

Ben Young 42:51
I hope so!

Tyler Farnes 42:53
I've been, I've been like, it's, it's, it's always hectic, like trying to sort of organize like, like schoolwork and just sort of like having that balance between work and-

Tyler Farnes 43:03
Right, right.

Tyler Farnes 43:04
And all that type of stuff. And, do you guys like, have that problem to where you try and balancing work and your music? Or is it just kind of?

Ben Young 43:10
Oh hell yeah.

Tyler Farnes 43:11

Ben Young 43:12
Yeah. I'm just dead. Yeah, that's, that's part of the balance, right. That's also part of the dream, man. Yeah, part of the grind. And, yeah, you can't have those, those kinds of tough times when you feel frantic without, you know, you just, it's tough. But it's not, it's not anything you can't do.

Josh Grady 43:37
It's rewarding.

Ben Young 43:38
It's rewarding. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, that's-

Josh Grady 43:39
Best hobby I've ever had.

Ben Young 43:41
For real. Yeah.

Tyler Farnes 43:46
So, so I guess moving on to the local scene now. What's your favorite thing about here in Raleigh, and sort of just like, the local scene in general? If anything?

Ben Young 43:57
Yeah, I would definitely. I would just definitely say like, the bands and the venues, especially post COVID. You know, things got really bad. A lot of venues closed down. A lot of people playing music couldn't anymore, because, you know, they had to, you know, focus on other things, but it's kind of camaraderie that's, that's blossomed out of this in Raleigh specifically, and I'm seeing it in like, surrounding cities. Like, like Greensboro and Winston Salem. You know, there's, I don't know, it's kind of like a disaster had to happen for all of us to kind of come together.

Tyler Farnes 44:37

Ben Young 44:37
And whereas maybe before there was gatekeeping, and there's like, and you still always have those little things, but I don't know, I think more people were open to play with each other, to get to know each other, venues. You know. Pourhouse for me is like a venue that, this year, I really felt like, welcomed at, not saying they never felt that way. It's just an intimidating place to play. There's so much history there. And like, you know, getting to know Adam and everyone, the staff over there. It's like, dang, dude, they really care about their artists. And I think it's been really cool to see that and hearing like, people coming out with great songs.

Tyler Farnes 45:17
Yeah. Yeah.

Ben Young 45:19
Just, I just love it. Like, we just need more of that. And I just think it's gonna keep progressing. I think we're just seeing this, you know, trajectory go up. I'm really stoked and like, had, like you over here. WKNC. You know, we were talking about the history since the 40s.

Tyler Farnes 45:34

Ben Young 45:35
I mean, this place has helped a lot of DIY artists kind of get, you know, their foot in some doors and at least opportunities and yeah, really appreciative.

Josh Grady 45:46
No doubt. I mean, being in the Triangle in general, there's no shortage of bands local to explore. Artists coming through here on tour.

Tyler Farnes 46:02

Josh Grady 46:02
Stop in anywhere, Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill. And, you know, I feel like, I like know, all these local bands. And then I'm still on a very regular basis, learning of something new, finding these new little pockets of the scene, or these up and coming bands that I'm out of touch with. And yeah, it's just, you're not bored in this local scene. There's a lot going on, a lot to appreciate. A lot to get lost in. It's, it's wild out there. But yeah.

Tyler Farnes 46:40
Do you have any, like uh, favorite bands? I'm not gonna ask you to name favorites if you don't want to, but I mean, like anybody that you're like, hey, these guys are super cool.

Ben Young 46:51
Yeah, I mean.

Scott Jackson 46:52
Yeah, there's a lot. You know, there's a lot of really dope bands out here.

Tyler Farnes 46:57

Scott Jackson 46:58
You know, I think, more than ever, I think it's better than ever. Post COVID.

Tyler Farnes 47:02

Scott Jackson 47:03
As far as quality, you know.

Tyler Farnes 47:07
So towards the, the end of the hour here, I'm gonna hit you up with some like, just like, quickfire. So just like random questions, just in general. So I always like, I always like asking these type of questions, because like, it just seems like, fun. If you could be one inanimate object for the rest of your life, what would it be? So, so, like you still have consciousness but you're just kind of stuck? Like as this object?

Ben Young 47:36
Maybe this microphone. Microphone, you're going to hear a lot you know, who knows what you're gonna hear, the kind of personalities, people you're gonna meet.

Tyler Farnes 47:44

Ben Young 47:47
Always listening. That sounds like, eh.

Josh Grady 47:51
A Paper Mate Bic.

Tyler Farnes 47:54
A what?

Josh Grady 47:54
A Paper Mate Bic ballpoint pen.

Ben Young 48:01
What specifically about the brand?

Josh Grady 48:03
I mean, they're just quality. They're around right? There's lots of them.

Ben Young 48:07

Josh Grady 48:08
And they'll last a long time. Then you might run out and you just have to exist useless.

Ben Young 48:19
It's another song, man. Let's go.

Scott Jackson 48:24
Probably a couch.

Tyler Farnes 48:25
A couch?

Scott Jackson 48:26
Most people like their couch. You know?

Tyler Farnes 48:29
That's cool. Yeah.

Josh Grady 48:31
You hate your couch?

Ben Young 48:34
I hate my couch.

Tyler Farnes 48:35
I don't have a couch, so. We got a couch in the lounge. That's pretty cool. I've taken a nap in there.

Ben Young 48:44
That's a quality couch.

Tyler Farnes 48:46
I've taken like, I've taken naps. I've taken like, like two hour long naps, quotation marks, and it's like, it's been great. So.

Ben Young 48:53
On the clock?

Tyler Farnes 48:54
Yeah, of course. No, no no. Um, do you all play any other instruments outside of like, what you play or like, any instruments that you'd like to learn? Just like.

Ben Young 49:11
I love the drums.

Tyler Farnes 49:12

Ben Young 49:12
Yeah, there's, I guess, and bass. But drums are like my second one. Yeah, I'm not a drummer by any means. But I'd love to get behind the kit whenever I can.

Tyler Farnes 49:20

Ben Young 49:21
And yeah, playing around. I would love to learn piano.

Josh Grady 49:25
Yeah, I play guitar. I mean, outside of playing bass. Those things often go hand in hand, but I share the desire to learn piano. I mean, that's the ultimate instrument.

Ben Young 49:38
Right? I think so. He's a great guitar player, Scott.

Tyler Farnes 49:44

Scott Jackson 49:44
I mean, I'm not great. I mean, I can play guitar. Playing bass somewhat decent, but I definitely consider myself a drummer.

Tyler Farnes 49:54

Scott Jackson 49:54
But you know.

Ben Young 49:56
When we met like, we were in a band, he was playing guitar and like, he was looking for another guitarist and vocalist and then couldn't find a drummer. So he, one day at like practice, he was like, let me just hop behind this kit. And I was like, Oh, I don't even know he played drums. And he gets behind the kit. I'm like, Okay, this, you got to play drums now. And that was pretty much how it formed. And we, since then it's, that's been us.

Scott Jackson 50:20
Yeah, I had played as a kid. And then, when I was in middle school, I was good friends with a guy who played drums. So that's when I was like alright, I'll play bass. And then I played bass for a little bit and then guitar for a little bit, but hopped back into the drums and that's probably the most, my most natural feeling instrument, you know. Definitely the most fun for me.

Tyler Farnes 50:48
Do you guys like watching, like, shows or anything? Anything you're like currently binging? Or any? Are you just?

Ben Young 50:54
Yeah, I just, I finished up Ozark with, I think the fifth season came out. I am watching House of the Dragon. And that Lord of the Rings series.

Tyler Farnes 51:09

Ben Young 51:11
I'm liking where it's going, man. I like how they're handling it dude.

Tyler Farnes 51:15

Ben Young 51:18
Trying to think, and then like Hoarders. My wife and I love that show, Hoarders. Yeah.

Josh Grady 51:23
Can't forget about the best show ever. Survivor.

Ben Young 51:28
So yeah, we're big Survivor fans.

Tyler Farnes 51:31
I'm more of a Naked and Afraid fan.

Ben Young 51:32
Okay, okay. You never watch Survivor though?

Tyler Farnes 51:37
I mean, no, no.

Scott Jackson 51:40
These guys go to Survivor conventions. They travel, they dress, you know.

Ben Young 51:47
I'm trying to apply.

Josh Grady 51:51
The only reason we can do this interview is because it's off season.

Ben Young 51:59
I love that.

Tyler Farnes 52:02
No, no, I watch. I'm a Naked and Afraid. And I do, I do enjoy watching Hoarders too, my sister and I watch Hoarders a lot. It's like, it's crazy. Some of those people man.

Ben Young 52:11
The psychology behind it is so fascinating. And like, a lot of times you can almost see within like, I could get to that point.

Tyler Farnes 52:19

Ben Young 52:19
Collectibles and stuff like that. And you know, I could see if I let myself go. It could get like that. But it also really helps you feel better about your own house sometimes.

Tyler Farnes 52:29

Ben Young 52:30
I mean, just to be real. It's like, alright, like, we thought our stuff is dirty. You know, I watch it, and we're tired and we don't want to clean, you know, right. It's like, alright.

Tyler Farnes 52:38
I watch it. And I'm like, I get the, I was afraid I was

Ben Young 52:42
Mom's gonna kill me. Everyone's gonna think our house is dirty.

Tyler Farnes 52:46
I watch it, and I feel and I feel like I have to clean, so.

Ben Young 52:49
Right, right, right.

Tyler Farnes 52:50
Yeah, it's because I'm like, Man. I get motivated. So. Is there any hobbies that you guys like to do outside music? Just like.

Ben Young 53:03
I skate, skateboard. Uh. Yeah, I've been doing that longer than playing music. So that's kind of like yeah, my first, my first love was skating. Yeah.

Josh Grady 53:12
Hiking. Outdoors. Travel.

Scott Jackson 53:19
I like to read a little bit. I like to watch basketball. You know, I'm a basketball head.

Tyler Farnes 53:24
Nice. Alright, so anything else you guys would like to add before before we leave here, the interview? Like where can people find you? Like all type of stuff?

Josh Grady 53:34
Yeah, you can find us on Instagram at @suenamedboy, linktree/BoyNamedSue, and search for us on Bandcamp for, you know, the real good stuff.

Tyler Farnes 53:49
Nice. Nice. Well, um, thank you all.

Ben Young 53:57
Thanks for having us, this was a blast!

Josh Grady 53:59
For real.

Tyler Farnes 53:59
Yeah, I hope that um, that y'all had fun. I certainly had fun. This is, this has been WKNC 88.1 FM HD one Raleigh. We're gonna leave you off with some, with Missing Teeth and Come On Over from their new EP that's gonna be releasing on the 30th. Sorry, not EP- full length album. Anything to Anyone. And yeah, thank you all for listening to Off the Beat!

Ben Young 54:25
Hey, thanks for having us.

Tyler Farnes 54:26

Ben Young 54:26
Thank y'all for listening. Yeah.

Tyler Farnes 54:26
And, go.

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Boy Named Sue - WKNC Interviews
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