Josh from Divine Right

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Livi Schwartz 0:00
Hello, this is DJ cherry headache for off the record at WKNC 88.1 FM HD one Raleigh and I'm here with Josh from Divine Right. Do you want to introduce yourself?

Josh Allen (They/them) 0:09
Hi, I'm Josh. I do vocals in Divine Right from Charlotte, North Carolina.

Livi Schwartz 0:16
Alright, happy to have you here.

Josh Allen (They/them) 0:18
Thank you.

Livi Schwartz 0:19
Okay, my first question is, so before you were in divine right, you were in Halloween costume contest? Starting in 2017,

Josh Allen (They/them) 0:29
something like that. Yeah.

Livi Schwartz 0:30
How long have you been making music?

Josh Allen (They/them) 0:32
Um, I think if I can, like, date it, I think I started doing music around like, early 2015. I believe. I started like writing in 2014, I'm pretty sure. But in 2015, I got like a ukulele to have fun with and then an acoustic guitar from my friend. And I was like taking inspiration from solo artists that I liked and just did like really bad indie folk at the time on a old project ended that started HCC and did that from late 2017. Until a few months ago, whenever I ended it. But yeah, that's a DIY till you die DIY till you die. So

Livi Schwartz 1:17
yeah, the sound of Halloween Costume Contest is very different from the sound of Divine Right, very. But how did that happen? What was that transition like?

Josh Allen (They/them) 1:27
I mean, I'm both of those genres have been a part of my life for a long time. Because I got into like the hardcore metal core excetera scene in like, late 2012. And then started going to shows in 2013, there wasn't really much of like an indie scene where I was from. So my first year I went to, it was like 15 minutes from my house in North Carolina, it was a hardcore show. And I just kept going to shows, from there on out until where I am today. And it wasn't until I discovered like Elliott Smith and flat sound and Paul barebow, that I was like, Oh, I can just make music by myself with a guitar and put it out if I feel like it. But both genres have always impacted me, I still listen to both all all day every day, like I did on the way here today. And I've always wanted to be in a hardcore band. But where I was from, it was really nothing there. For me, I guess. It wasn't really until I could drive and go to shows and make more friends that I started meeting people who wanted to be in bands. And so that leads us to where we are now with. Divine Right. And all the friends I've made ever since I started going to shows and everything.

Livi Schwartz 2:56
That's awesome.

I saw in your interview with no echo that it started because you tweeted about wanting to start a straight edge band.

Josh Allen (They/them) 3:04
Yes. That

is what happened. I I guess some backstory is that I became acquainted with our bases Kayo and our drummer Carson in like early 2022. And Kayo would like shoot shows and we were like Mutual's on Twitter, and whatever. And so I'd seen them at shows, but never really became fully acquainted with them. And I made like a tweet about wanting to start a straightedge band. And they got back to me about that. And I didn't really take it seriously at first until we scheduled a date to like meet up and hang out and talk about it. And we did. And after that, our friend Reese from the actual band sites, he was like the only straightedge guy that was kind of local that we knew that play guitar. So we got to talk with him about wanting to do like a straightedge hardcore band, just like straightforward hardcore. And so we went over to his place, we practice a few times, and tried to make something but eventually it just kind of fizzled out because we all got too busy with everything. And that that didn't change the friendship that I have a Kayo and Carson and we continue to hang out after that. So it was a meant to be I guess.

Livi Schwartz 4:27
Yeah, so in your tweet, you said you specifically wanted to start a straight edge band. And you literally have a song called the X is yet to fade. So have has been strange always been something that's super important to you. What was that journey like?

Josh Allen (They/them) 4:42
Not always I didn't really like claim edge until October 2020. Prior to that, my brother Zach was straight edge and I'd always been into like straight edge bands and everything specifically half Who has always been an inspiration to me people at my job will like ask me like we'll talk about like being sober being straight about why did you pick that I'm I gotta get into it. Really it's just a matter of I don't like I've never had fun drinking smoking weed. never smoked cigarettes it never really I wasn't really into that sort of thing. I never really had fun with it whenever I did do it. And I'm not really sure what made me want to quote unquote claim edge in the first place. I think I just had like a long sit down with myself about like, the alcoholism that I had been around and the way that drugs mess people up and how it just wasn't my thing. And like, in the end, I don't really care if anybody else does it. Like I have friends who drink and I have friends who like smoke weed and smoke cigarettes and everything I I don't have a problem being around it at all. It's just not my thing. And people respect that and I respect whatever other people do. But in the end, it's really just a matter of like, I don't feel like it like I don't really need it to be happy so why should I have to do it. You know what I mean?

Livi Schwartz 6:23
Yeah. Do you feel in since mainly playing shows in like the Charlotte area? Is there a big straight edge seem to be supported by or is it just kind of you guys?

Josh Allen (They/them) 6:34
Well, in Charlotte specifically it there's like us and I do know some straight edge people that are like, like, members of bands, but like the bands themselves aren't like straight edge. Except for like, Magnitude was like the only one that comes to mind really, because they were like the Charlotte straight edge band and everything at the time. And probably even now, still the North Carolina straight edge band if if we're going to put labels on it. And I made a lot of friends who are straight edge and I think someone came up to me at our show in February. And talking about how he claimed edge like a week ago, and like seeing our set was like, like, powerful for him and everything. And that meant a lot to me and but, Charlotte, it's like whatever I think all across the state of North Carolina, you'll find a lot of really cool straight edge people. And there are some good strange bands like the triangle area, and even all throughout like the southeast. But Charlotte, I guess in the end, it's just kind of divine right and magnitude for the quote unquote Charlotte straightedge bands. But I'm hoping that within the next few years that people will continue to carry on the torch and start forming straightedge bands in the Charlotte area.

Livi Schwartz 7:55
Absolutely. Is it important for you guys, while you're booking shows to try and find local straight edge bands to play with as well or is it just

Josh Allen (They/them) 8:04
It's not like crucial because I'm like, I have friends and bands who aren't straight edge bands. And they're like my best friends in the world. There are some bands who are like vegan bands, but they're not vegan straight edge bands. But in the end for us, it's kind of just like if we love y'all, we love what you're about. We love the music. And we all support each other like Yeah, well we'll definitely play the show if we can. But I while I do resonate with straight edge bands. It's not like we have to play with just like straight edge bands or vegan bands, etc.

Livi Schwartz 8:59
So, from just starting the initial Twitter conversations about a straightedge band to hanging out with people that would later become your bandmates. How fast was that turnaround? It seemed like one day you guys posted your first posts already really locked in?

Josh Allen (They/them) 9:16
How long was it probably like... I think it was like a year of time probably like, because I became acquainted with Kayo Carson then like May or June of 2022. And it wasn't until like late fall 2022 Like way after we had done that first project and we're going to show this and everything that we met Mikey, who is our guitarist, he was going to shows I think I'd first seen him at an earth crisis show and September 2022, but I didn't know who he was. I think there was a day that we were going to watch our friends and no cure in Greensboro for the first time ever, actually. Like I did not know who Nokia I was going through my friends in your spare dies and now my best friends with the Nokia people, which is awesome. So we went to that show Mikey needle arrived and I was like, oh no Mikey is but like, it's whatever. And we became really good friends with him because of going to that show. And I'm not sure who threw it out that we wanted to start a band. But he was also very interested because he had riffs and still does to this day. So we had gotten to talking about that. And then it just like was like, okay, like, we'll do it eventually, I'm sure. And then around a few days ago, we a few days ago, a year ago, we just kind of coincidental we were at the angel does Jive bomb lives question show at snug Harbor. And Mikey was like, oh, I want to introduce you to my brother who just like moved back to Charlotte from LA Zach our other guitarist. So we've met him. We got to talking about it talked about what we wanted to do. Like genre wise, and he was very into it also. And he like, took the initiative of getting a storage unit to that would be cool with us practicing in. And that was around June, like late June of last year, I'm pretty sure. So coming up on a year of just like forming as a band altogether. And that kind of brings us to where we are today, actually, after all that initiative, meeting each other.

Livi Schwartz 11:39
So Halloween costume contest was a solo endeavor, do you think you'll want to continue doing solo endeavors and exploring other genres or is hardcore really what you're passionate about?

Josh Allen (They/them) 11:51
I actually thought about this the other day. So it's kind of funny that you bring it up. Like, this is my first time. Being in a like full on band for this long, I did a few other projects with friends in the past, but it never really turned into anything. But this acts divine right to me feels like an actual team. And we're actually supporting each other and doing what we think is best for each other. And we're all best friends on top of that. And we also like doing solo stuff for as long as I did. It kind of like, I wouldn't say it necessarily, like took a toll on me. But doing things by yourself is very expensive, driving the shows, buying the instruments and recording equipment that you need. And in the end, I guess the reason why HCC ended is because I wasn't really having a lot of fun with it anymore. Because like doing it by yourself is like whatever. But it just, it wasn't appealing to me anymore. But Divine Right? It feels good to have a lot of people behind your back, just helping you out. And I guess a good example is like merchandise. It was like, since we're five people, we can go five ways on buying merch and buying equipment that we need and everything but by myself, like paying my bills, or working, etc. Like it was really hard to make do with what I had, especially whenever I didn't have time to do it anymore from working. But since being in a band with four other people, we were able to like make schedules that work out for each other, it doesn't feel as stressful. And also like in the end for me, it's just like way more fun all together.

Livi Schwartz 13:52
I know, we mentioned earlier that a lot of you in the band work full time jobs. And that makes it kind of difficult booking shows that are far away or at weird times. Yeah. Is the goal ever to have this be your main focus or career wise? Or is it just like passion project?

Josh Allen (They/them) 14:13
I think it depends. Really, I think we've had that conversation before. All in all, we're just having fun with it. It's like if we do it for a long time, that's awesome. If we if we ended in a year, whatever, like at least we had fun doing it. I would love to just make music full time if I could, but in the end like I think what a lot of people need to hear is it's like most of the time unrealistic. And I hate I don't want people some people to hold on to hope that there'll be able to meet music full time because to a lot of people just luck altogether. Like I have friends who are able to like not even work, like regular customer service shops because they want to, like, make money off their music, which is awesome. But some people will look at that and try to run with it and try to do it themselves. And it's like, it's not going to be, it's not going to happen that way. Like, I think for most bands, like you really, really have to work for it. Like, I've seen a lot of bands play shows, like nobody for like, oh, excuse me to play shows nobody for like, five or so years. And then finally, like, get some kind of a break. But in the end for us, like I'm fine with a job I have, I'm very passionate with that. And so we're my bandmates. They love what I'm, some of them love what they do also. And then the A if we're able to tour full time as a band, make a career off of what we have. And that will be awesome. But it's really a lot of just don't hold on to hope. Just do it because you love it not because you're making money from it. Making money is cool, because like you had to pay bills and live and everything. But in the end, like it shouldn't be about the music overall and not the money?

Livi Schwartz 16:12
Absolutely. Do you think having a lot of friends in your local scene and also just in the industry, across the board gives you kind of an advantage or some insight into things that other bands that are starting out might not have?

Josh Allen (They/them) 16:29
I'd say that we're very lucky to know the people that we do. And I'm very lucky to know them as well, because a lot of them are like some of the closest people to me. Um, I guess I would use the that word yes, we do kind of have an advantage from knowing these people. But I wouldn't even say it's just from knowing them. Because like, we can be making like the worst music possible. And if they don't like the music, they won't, like, put us on the shows that they are or focus on places they don't want us to be at and everything. So it's just a matter of like, I'd say that when it comes to knowing people and like, I'm putting this in quotations industry. In the end, like that's whatever, like you can know, someone who owns like a, like a really good label with a lot of good bands. And that doesn't mean they're gonna, like, put you on their label or anything. You can just be mega homies and just make the music that you want to make, and they'll support it no matter what. But for like, I'd say that, like we're very lucky to know the people that we do, and are able to play with bands that we love and become friends with those people and everything. I don't want to say that we have like a quote unquote advantage in a way because it's not like we're signing to equal vision, like right off the bat or any or some kind of big major like label like epitaph or something like that. It's really just a matter of like, be cool to people make friends because you want to make the music that you want to because you love it and you can accomplish things that way. I it kind of bums me out that some people will just take that and run with it and use it as like a as a tool to just get higher in the quote unquote industry and just use it for gain and everything. It's really just like, make friends with people that are coo1. Make music that you love making and good things will more than likely come your way because you're just friends with people overall. But yeah,

Livi Schwartz 18:54
absolutely. Is it important for you guys to try and build connections with other bands that might be starting out? As you guys solidify yourselves more in the scene to like, help build connections and help support other

Josh Allen (They/them) 19:07
Yeah, so the one thing that I definitely want people to know is that you need to support your local scene no matter what we're very lucky to know the people that we're doing become friends with people who are also starting bands. Definitely I whatever, like my friends bands that are new. Like I definitely would love to play with them and support them no matter what. Because the scene is all about community and making friends and supporting each other. So definitely that's all like that's that's the long and short of it is just support the local scene no matter what like they're the ones that keep people coming to your shows they support you no matter what. Just be cool to people and they'll be cool to you and just support the same no matter what.

Livi Schwartz 19:56
Yeah, that seems very important to Divine Right since the way you like met them. A lot of the people that you noticed that was by going to these shows so that's what's up. Yeah. I'm also curious what's next for you guys I know we talked about booking more shows are you guys writing recording more music or just getting comfortable doing early shows?

Josh Allen (They/them) 20:23
We're definitely like, taking it slow. I guess the reception that we've had since we dropped the EP has been more than any of us thought what happened really. And I'm grateful for if you've anyone's listened to it, I really appreciate it seriously, because we worked really hard on it. I think for future plans, where we have a few shows that are unannounced we have some shows that are now some shows that are not announced yet. We're doing a run in like late August doing some shows on the fall. I think we're gonna try to do a split with a friend's band. And like we haven't really set a date yet probably like late fall early winter, late winter, something like that. It won't be anytime soon at all, but um, we have like song ideas that will send to the band chat. Whether it's like lyrics that I wrote or like riffs that Zach and Mikey are making but right now I think we're just getting comfortable with what we have doing whatever kind of physical media we can for the EP that's out right now and then hopefully we might maybe early next year have a new EP out or something like that.

Livi Schwartz 21:37
That sounds like a good timeline. And I love that you guys put out cassettes I think physical media and preserving it is that was the

Josh Allen (They/them) 21:46
Yeah, that was the first run that we did at the magnitude show back in February. We did like we didn't better melody from like, I think it's hickory I believe they are from North Carolina. But they they press cassettes for us which was kind of them. But because we didn't have any physical media out for the Madden show we made like five DIY cassettes, and they're sold out in like five minutes, which was pretty good.

Livi Schwartz 21:46
Where did the name divine right come from?

Josh Allen (They/them) 21:56
I think I think it was Mikey, that came up with it. I'm pretty sure um, I think we were throwing out band names. And he said that one and it just stuck. I think it's from the repentant song The Divine Right of tyrants. Um, I'm pretty sure that's where he got it from, but like, like divine right is like a whole, like Wikipedia article about. I'm not even sure what it's about, actually. So I will be not talking about that. But I'm pretty sure it's from that extra penance X song The Divine Right of tyrants. You're gonna just because it sounded cool.

Livi Schwartz 22:49
It does sound cool. Thank you. Were there any other names? That almost were it?

Josh Allen (They/them) 22:53
Um yeah, I can talk about that one. The, the project that we were gonna do with Rhys was called visceral, or like x visceral x, and we were gonna, like I threw out that we should just do that one. But they said, like, it's whatever. And then Mikey throw that one. I'm like, oh, that's sick. So we just, it was only yeah, there's only really one name. Really? Everyone the problem was more but I can't. Off the top of my head. Think of what they were because I guess they just weren't that good.

Livi Schwartz 23:23
That's how you mentioned earlier, a guy coming up to you who had just claimed edge like, very recently. Are there any other standout stories of fan interactions like that?

Josh Allen (They/them) 23:35
It's kind of funny that like, calling them fans is like so funny to me. I don't know why. I've definitely like made jokes about being recognized at shows and stuff just because it's like, well, I will. So I guess I'm good background is I have a twin brother. So people will think that he's me at shows. And really the one way that we like to differentiate each other is like, oh, one of us a straight edge and one isn't. But he's definitely had people even in the Halloween costume contest era, like he wouldn't be. I think the one that comes to mind is that he was in line for always in Asheville and someone walked by like, Yo Halloween costume Contest. And we were just geeking about that. And someone came up to me at a show like a month ago. Outside the slater beach dog in the Charlotte and they were like, Halloween costume contest and I was like, Yeah, man. And then he showed up at the at our show a month later, which is pretty sick. Nice. Every I forget what his name was, but he was a nice guy. So it happens a little more often than you think probably I got recognized at work. Like last week. I think his name was Philip. He was like, Hey, are you in a band? I'm like, Yes. And he was like okay, I recognize you because you have a twin but like, I knew this and that and I. That was so funny to me. My coworkers were laughing about it after he loved it was it was kind of goofy. I went to the drain show last week and a couple people recognize me and some kid next to me during Paris had came to our first show and Columbia, which is pretty sick. Now Oh, wait, I have a funny one. Actually. I was on my break at work. And I was Brandon, and his partner, Brandon from your spirit dies for context. He came into my shop. And on my break, we chatted for a little bit and some like punk kid walks by us. And I'm wearing my No Cure shirt. And he's like, oh, man, I love your No Cure shirt. I'm like, Oh, thanks, man. It's like, yeah, I just saw them. And then I was oh, you sick and then you walked away. And I was like, Wait a second, and they circle back around. And I was like, I will show where you at. And it was like, I was like Columbia, when the other day. I was oh, yeah, I played that show. And so then Brandon and also it was it was so funny. And we got to talk with him for like, a few minutes. And he was such a nice guy. I forget what his name was damn very bad with names, unfortunately. But yeah, I think every time I get like recognized about being a divine right, I message to the group chat about yo getting recognized with the gig as a joke. Or, or Zack will also be in like some city somewhere and someone will think that he's me. It's kind of goofy all the time.

Livi Schwartz 26:21
And you're kind of used to that because of making music for so long. But what does that feel like? When someone's like, I know you from that thing. Or like, I drove to go see you.

Josh Allen (They/them) 26:32
like the first thing I do is like laugh about it. And I'm like, Thanks, man. It means a lot seriously, like I, I think I'm just like, very awkward with first interactions with people, which is unfortunate, especially being the vocalist on a band, may I add. And I also may add that I am like not that good at talking on stage either. The first like, obviously, the first thing I do is say like, Thank you, I really appreciate like you for even like checking out the music in the first place. But yeah, like, it's a fun thing to happen. Though, my like, my friends will be around and it'll happen and we just like laugh about it. And I'm like, because I don't it's just it's such an awkward thing to happen. But as it's sweet overall, and I really appreciate people for just taking the time to even be like, Hey, I like your band.

Livi Schwartz 27:27
That that's very awesome. Now, I've got a couple of questions about you guys's shows. Do you guys have any pre show rituals or post show rituals? Like anywhere that you have to go eat after a show? Or like,

Josh Allen (They/them) 27:42
um, I will drink a Shirely no matter what. I think that's it. Every show. I go to actually, usually, what are we done after our first shows? I think we got to cook out every time. I'm pretty sure if I remember correctly. I think that's like, I think I've been doing that for like so long. It's not even associated with divine right at all.

Livi Schwartz 28:03
What's your cookout order?

Josh Allen (They/them) 28:06
Big double burger tray. With cheese and ketchup. Cajun fries, hush puppies at Cheerwine an extra side of chicken nuggets and some cookout sauce.

Livi Schwartz 28:18
That's beautiful. Thank you. There's always something silly going on at a cookout. All the time I've ever had any strange cookout experiences.

Josh Allen (They/them) 28:30
not strange. I don't think I think every cookout I've gone to I believe like everybody has been cool. Yeah, I think I don't think I've had like bad interactions necessarily. Like they usually just do their thing. And then convey my order. I think I think only one time in my life. Did my card decline and I drove off and they had to run up a card declined. I was like, oh, so that was embarrassing. That was about it. Really?

Livi Schwartz 29:00
Think I've noticed about cookout is the more dry or hostile the interaction? The better the food is?

Josh Allen (They/them) 29:08
Oh, yeah. If they're mean to you, if they're giving you an attitude, it's going to be like the best thing you've ever eaten. It's kind of the same thing with coffee shops. I will say since we were talking about this earlier, like, if the barista is like, has a blank face as not a care in the world. No smiles at all. You know you're about to get like the best latte that you've ever had in your life. And that actually happened to me today.

Livi Schwartz 29:35
That's beautiful. Do you find that you use your personal coffee shop employment experience? Well, gauging the validity of other lattes?

Josh Allen (They/them) 29:45
I think so. Yeah. I think I just kind of put myself in their place. And I'm like, I know exactly what they're going through. Like I know you had to deal with ridiculous people, most times of the day. I know what is Like to have to explain that our mock our traditional macchiatos are not the same as Starbucks. So I wish I had a tip jar for that. I tip them no matter what I think. Yeah, I think any place where you can tip i Tip No matter what, because like, service people definitely go through a lot more than a lot of people I would say.

Livi Schwartz 30:24
So you guys mainly have been doing shows in the Carolinas, do you guys have roots anywhere else anywhere else that you have a lot of people that you want to be performing in? Um,

Josh Allen (They/them) 30:36
well, I forget who was born there. I think Zach was born in New York and like Zach and Mike had like New York like roots and everything. So they have friends up there that lived in LA for a while, so he has friends over there. So either one of those places we'd love to make our way over there. For the like, for like the four day run, we're doing this on our staff, we're only really only doing Virginia, both Carolinas and Tennessee started we're not really going out that far. But I'm hoping that in the future we can make our way up through what's a good example. Like the Twin Cities, Twin Cities, New York, I think we're gonna try to get to Florida because we have a lot of friends and Florida bands. Really just wherever we'll have us and we can make our way over there without a if we can get off work and stuff like that.

Livi Schwartz 31:26
A lot of East Coast cities any any West Coast dreams,

Josh Allen (They/them) 31:32
I'd love to go to California. I've never been I've never I've never been outside of the Midwest personally. I am I classify Oklahoma as the Midwest. Oklahoma is the farthest I've been and it was whatever. Really. I'd love to go to like Washington State and California and Colorado has a pretty good hardcore scene. Also. There's a good hardcore scene everywhere, I think actually. So I'd love to just go wherever we'll have us because if we're lucky enough to make our way out there, then we should savor it. Absolutely.

Livi Schwartz 32:06
You've been making music for a while have you? Do you feel like you've seen the scene evolve over time?

Josh Allen (They/them) 32:13
Um it's kind of difficult to answer because whenever I did start going to shows I didn't drive and I didn't have a lot of friends that were going to shows like my first show my dad took me to, then after that my mom or my dad dropped me off at whatever dedication Exactly. And then I started whenever I became acquainted with Brandon from your spirit dies and he was on his old band remembrance. He would I would ride with him to shows or my mom dropped me off and he would drive me home and then we just got more acquainted with that. I didn't go to a lot of shows in like the Charlotte area. I didn't start going to shows in the Charlotte area to like 2018 Probably that was I never we started driving, officially and then I wasn't scared to get like drive that far or anything. It was that Asheville, Spartanburg, Greenville, and Columbia was kind of where I frequented I don't really frequent Spartanburg anymore, really. Asheville. It depends. They have like their own kind of scene up there. It's like it really ranges they do it but I think they do a lot of Indies a lot of punk stuff. If a hardcore tight mill comes through then it's like wow, and Asheville. I'm kind of shocked by it. I'd say really, um I think the ways that it's evolved is just it's really it's really hard to pinpoint because Zack will tell me stories about Charlotte, Fayetteville etc shows I'm like in mid 2010s and I'm like wow, I hate that I missed that because I just wasn't able to like go to that many shows at the time because of my limits of driving and everything. It kind of bums me out also because the spin down North Carolina scene that I had like started out going to whenever they had a small venue there that just like faded away because the venue close and they just stopped doing shows or altogether so I I would have loved to have seen that scene grow which is unfortunate. The Charlotte scene However, I've seen grow for the past like six years. A lot of bands come and go. A lot of my friends bands are from that area and they still make music now. Even South Carolina like Columbia Greenville area like seeing that those scenes are specifically Greenville, Greenville, the Greenville hardcore scene has grown so much over the past few years. That's crazy. If I can give a quick shout out, Jose He is grinding so hard to get a lot of a lot of bands coming through there. And really I think any anytime a band that we love plays in Greenville, they pass it on to other bands. But hey, you need to play in Greenville, South Carolina because kids will show up for it. Yeah, so like the scenes evolved a lot. I would say I'm very happy to see a lot of the changes been through

Livi Schwartz 35:29
where do you think it's going in the future?

Josh Allen (They/them) 35:33
Hopefully up, like way more than it's ever been, I could see the Greenville scene being the way that it is right now for a long time. Other places like Columbia and Charlotte and the Raleigh area and Asheville I don't think this thing is gonna go away anytime soon. I just hope that people will attend shows. Feel a spark in them. Start a band and let the process repeat.

Livi Schwartz 36:01
Did you just like encourage people to start bands if they feel like it? Try it out? Oh, yeah.

Josh Allen (They/them) 36:06
Like I think it kind of goes off what I was saying before, like, don't start a band because you think just because you think it's cool? Or because you'll make money off of it. Whatever passion you're feeling inside, you just pick up an instrument learn it and just start a band with your friends. Even if it's bad. Just do that. Make some music. If that band ends, make another one. Just go to shows, start bands make friends be cool etc.

Livi Schwartz 36:38
Words to live by. what kind of other artistic media do you enjoy and consume?

Josh Allen (They/them) 36:47
What do I do? Watch, obviously like stuff on Hulu Max and like Netflix or whatever. A lot of YouTube. I'm like the epitome of the ID my YouTube while I eat. I'm the epitome of that because I really do. Me and my partner started with bridgerton last night and it's pretty sick so far. My favorite shows Twin Peaks. If that says anything about me. That's also my favorite. We're trying to finish that but like it's the episodes are so long and I've already seen it like 10 times. I just mentioned to you earlier that smiling friends smiling friends is probably like one of my favorites right now. It's it's so goofy. What do I have letterboxed?

Livi Schwartz 37:43
What's the top four?

Josh Allen (They/them) 37:44
Let's double check actually let me pop. Let me it's probably embarrassing actually. I'm very much exposing myself right now. We got we got the Blues Brothers. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Halloween 1978 and licorice pizza. That's beautiful right now, but I have I call everything my favorite movie. Honestly, I unironically gave the SpongeBob SquarePants movie like five stars recently. And I'm not wrong about that and I want to argue about it either.

Livi Schwartz 38:20
It's beautiful

Josh Allen (They/them) 38:21
other than that.

I'm big vinyl head when it comes to music. Excuse me. I think what my most recent purchase was the Balmoral EP they released last year I got that on vinyl recently. I picked up some stuff from LDB Fest this year. Media artists media

Livi Schwartz 38:48
What are your most listened to records of all time

Josh Allen (They/them) 38:51
of all time? I can be accurate about this. Actually. Let me while we're speaking right now. I will pop open. Last. Last fm beautiful. And I can tell you exactly what I've listened to the most. My number one most listened to album is the Eternal Sunshine soundtrack. Depressing that's beautiful. I think Dirty Bus otter reach dog. suburbia by The Wonder Years a homeowner by says there by the hotelier songs to scream of the Sun by half heart a girl looked at me by Mount Airy preventing loneliness by Jessica Brazil. I think it's kind of ironic I really only listed one hardcore record like I listened to a lot of things outside of hardcore, like hardcore is not even what I like listened to the most honestly.

Livi Schwartz 39:50
So why? Why hardcore if you listen to like every other genre,

Josh Allen (They/them) 39:55
I think I think I've just always found an escape from going to shows, listening to hardcore metal core. I think most of the time, I just really need a break from loud things because of like, I listen to loud things in my job all the time. So I need something more soft acoustic bass to listen to you later. Eternal Sunshine. Exactly. Yeah, that's whenever I'm depressed. But when it comes to hardcore, just I've always found an escape through it through going to shows and making friends and listening to records. And I think I don't even want to say that I like a certain genre more. I think all genres I love are kind of hand in hand that can make really hardcore is just the one that I've always found an escape through, I would say.

Livi Schwartz 40:53
When did it start for you like the collecting physical records or just really, really being into music? Not even just like wanting to make Yeah, but just loving it.

Josh Allen (They/them) 41:02
I mean, I grew up on classic rock. Like if we're talking about me in elementary school to like, early middle school was like classic rock country. I was one of those kids. It wasn't really until, like, my it was my first. My first well my dad, my dad used to play in bands, but that was like technically my first quote unquote show, I guess. My first concert I believe, was the Country Music Festival in 2004. But for not counting fest. My first concert was Keith Urban in Greenville, South Carolina on November 18, does on November 18, November 20, I'm pretty sure it was November 2005. i I'm not a history book. And it wasn't until like seventh or eighth grade that I really listened to. Like metal core for the first time I think what was holding it from your spirit dies is the one that got me into anything. So I have him to thank for a lot of this. He got me into We Came as Romans For the Fallen dreams. The Wonder Years. A lot of that stuff. Like I really have Holton the thing for where I'm at today. And I don't really tell him that often but I probably should because it changed my life completely. I wouldn't say I started collecting physical media until I think I had always like found like old classic rock records like goodwill with my grandma or something that that brought home they didn't really have a record player. I just collected them because it was fun and that eight tracks and cassettes and CDs and stuff like that. I don't think I took like clothing vinyl seriously until like, freshman year. I'm pretty sure because I had like what did I have? Being as notion? What am I have real friends really like a lot of like Tumblr era like hardcore, pop, punk, etc. I definitely had on vinyl, but I didn't really have like a decent collection until like a few years later. And today also. And the amount of money I've spent on records over the past like 10 years is not good. detrimental.

Livi Schwartz 43:18
Again, this was DJ cherry headache with WKNC 88.1 FM HD one Raleigh, joined by Josh from Divine Right. Thank you so much, Josh, for joining us any closing thoughts or statements?

Josh Allen (They/them) 43:30
I appreciate you for bringing me on. I'm not like the best at talking on a microphone, obviously. But I appreciate you bringing me on. Thanks for bringing up things that I didn't think you were gonna bring up. If you've listened to divine right, thank you. Keep an eye out for shows and stuff like that. Yeah, thank you.

Livi Schwartz 43:52
Thank you for joining us. And thank you for listening. Goodbye.

Transcribed by

Josh from Divine Right
Broadcast by