Machine Girl - WKNC Interviews
Download MP3DMC Woodstock 0:03
My name is DMC Woodstock. Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for listening in. And today, I have a very, very special interview with...
Matt (Machine Girl) 0:14
Machine girl.
DMC Woodstock 0:15
Machine girl. I'm excited for this. How are you doing today?
Matt (Machine Girl) 0:22
Good, good. It's good to be in Raleigh. We just came from Charlotte, a short drive away, and we're excited for tonight.
DMC Woodstock 0:32
This is your sixth show of the tour?
Matt (Machine Girl) 0:33
Yeah something like that, yeah,
DMC Woodstock 0:36
Is it hard to keep count?
Matt (Machine Girl) 0:37
Yeah. Because we had, like, if you're judging by the flyer, there was two shows that weren't on the flyer, so I think this is technically
DMC Woodstock 0:45
Technically number eight,
Matt (Machine Girl) 0:45
Yeah, which is kind of crazy actually to think about.
DMC Woodstock 0:49
You got a lot of shows ahead.
Matt (Machine Girl) 0:51
Yes, yeah,
Machine Girl [On Stage] 0:53
Let's go crazy. Make sure to not kill anyone in here,
[Crowd Cheering]
[Nu Nu Meta Phenomena by Machine Girl] and, you know, you've got it all wrong...all wrong!
DMC Woodstock [After show] 1:20
We're out here outside the Machine Girl concert. How are you feeling?
Interviewee 1 1:23
That was amazing. I feel like I just died four times.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 1:29
What was your favorite part?
Interviewee 1 1:31
I really like when Matt climbs stuff. That's, you know, pretty fun. I got spit on that was cool too.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 1:37
Got spit on by Matt, or by somebody else?
Interviewee 1 1:40
Accidentally, Matt spit on me accidentally. It was kind of gross, but kind of awesome. I'll take it.
DMC Woodstock 1:45
Any crazy stuff from the tour so far? I know your first, I think it was your first show was on Halloween?
Matt (Machine Girl) 1:51
Yeah, um, I mean, like, particularly crazy s***? Not that I could think of. I mean, you know, certain world events kind of overshadowed, I think, anything else that stuck out.
DMC Woodstock 2:07
Yeah, we'll get to that, for sure. But first, I guess, the first thing I want to talk about is sort of Machine Girl's EDM influence, you know, like breakcore and footwork. I know you've said you've listened to like, like Aphex Twin in high school, how did you get into like, weirder, more experimental electronic stuff?
Matt (Machine Girl) 2:39
When I was like... well, I started getting into, like, what I would say was, like weird- like weird music when I was in, like, middle school, like alternative stuff, you know. And then in particular, back in the day, with iPods, before streaming and s***, like I would go with my iPod, which was like, at the time, probably 32 gigabytes or something, and I would plug it into other people's computers and just ask them to, like, drop whatever they thought was cool onto my iPod. And that's how I'd, like, find a lot of new music. And I remember doing that to like, a family friend of ours who is a couple years older than me, and he dropped like a bunch of crazy s*** that totally, like, blew my mind. And Aphex Twin was among those things. And like, the first times I listened to Aphex Twin, it totally just sounded like noise,
DMC Woodstock 3:39
Matt (Machine Girl) 3:39
I was like, I didn't even hear the music in it. And it started with the song Fingerbib which is, like, a very pretty track, and then, like, slowly, it was like, cool, because I was like, "this is noise," but I couldn't stop, like, listening to it, you know? Like I knewthere was something there. And then just one day it just clicked. And I became, like,pretty obsessed with Aphex Twin and Squarepusher and Venetian Snares in high school.
DMC Woodstock 4:03
Was that all on that iPod, drop?
Matt (Machine Girl) 4:06
Squarepusher was, I remember, through back in the day, and then Venetian Snares was on YouTube. There was, like, an anime, like, fan video that I found that I was like, "This is the hardest s*** ever"
DMC Woodstock 4:20
Matt (Machine Girl) 4:20
So, yeah,
DMC Woodstock 4:22
That's awesome. Yeah, that definitely happens for a lot of people. That happened with me for a lot of music, for sure, where you hear it and you're just like, "This is, like, whatever. This is okay."
Matt (Machine Girl) 4:31
DMC Woodstock 4:31
And then you go back to it for some reason
Matt (Machine Girl) 4:34
Exactly, that's usually my favorite music, is like that
DMC Woodstock 4:37
And then it grows on you and grows on more and more
Matt (Machine Girl) 4:39
Speaker 1 4:43
[Psychic Attack by Machine Girl] Psychic Attack when you're talking s*** behind my back,
Psychic attack when I fall and hear your laughter,
Psychic attack when you treat me worse than dogs*** Psychic attack, you better run 'cause this is it, b****
DMC Woodstock [After show] 4:57
Alright, we're outside the Machine Girl show, how are you feeling right now?
Interviewee 2 5:01
Awful... First of all, awesome show. F****** amazing show. Did so good everyone did.
Interviewee 3 5:08
Shout out my man Ben, dude. I was dying two songs into the pit- this man remained. I don't know how he didn't f****** pass out.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 5:17
Did you almost pass out?
Interviewee 3 5:18
I almost passed the f*** out, I'm not even gonna lie to you.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 5:21
Yeah, I don't think you're alone.
Interviewee 3 5:22
Yeah, no. Like, f****** I'm drenched in sweat. I was f****** dying.
Interviewee 2 5:27
Worst pit I've ever smelled in my life,
DMC Woodstock [After show] 5:29
The smelliest pit?!
Interviewee 2 5:31
The smelliest pit.
Interviewee 3 5:32
The concert started and somebody was trying to crowd surf immediately, f****** kicked me in the jaw, and I'm like, Oh, this is awesome. This is exactly what I signed up for.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 5:41
[To Interviewee 2] Is that what you signed up for, though?
Interviewee 2 5:43
Oh yeah, this is exactly what I signed up for.
Interviewee 3 5:46
I don't know about him, but this ain't my first punk show. So I I'm used to s*** like this.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 5:51
Hell yeah
Unknown Speaker 5:51
[Loud Car Noise]
Interviewee 3 5:51
Shout out that car, he's annoying as f***
DMC Woodstock 5:56
And I guess staying in the whole realm of, you know, electronic music. I want to talk about DJ Chaotic Ugly. I want to talk about... So who is DJ Chaotic Ugly?
Matt (Machine Girl) 6:10
That's my uh, alter ego. That's possibly, you know, my shadow DJ persona
DMC Woodstock 6:19
Your shadow DJ persona! How, how do you balance what you do with Machine Girl, with what you do with DJ Chaotic Ugly, because it seems like you've got a busy schedule in both.
Matt (Machine Girl) 6:34
Yeah. I mean, Machine Girl is like the top priority, but DJ Chaotic Ugly, I mean, honestly, it really just spawned out of like, I hated putting DJ Machine Girl on flyers when I was DJing, because kids would show up and be all confused, because they would be like, they wouldn't see the 'DJ' so they would be like, "What the hell? Like? I thought this was going to be like a punk show." And then, and then also, there was, like, sometimes the opposite, you know, where kids would show up to Machine Girl and be like, "What? The last time I saw you, you DJed and now you're, like, screaming and doing all this s***." So, like, it was a way for me to, like, keep those two things separate. You know?
DMC Woodstock 7:13
Yeah. Do you think they bleed into each other at all?
Matt (Machine Girl) 7:17
Yeah, there's tons of overlap. I mean, like in the DJ Chaotic Ugly sets I tend to play a lot of Machine Girl music that we don't play in these shows, you know. So stuff from like, Neon White and the dancier stuff.
DMC Woodstock 7:33
Yeah, that's sick.
[Dance In The Fire by Machine Girl]
So I guess expanding on that a little bit, you know, you're living in New York City...are you living in New York City..?
Matt (Machine Girl) 7:53
I am living in New York City.
DMC Woodstock 7:54
You are living in New York City. I know you're pretty involved with the, you know, electronic hardcore, hardcore, electronic scene up there. I know you've, you know, getting with labels like DEATHBYSHEEP.
Matt (Machine Girl) 8:09
DMC Woodstock 8:10
And I know you've got Chaos Warp also going on,
Matt (Machine Girl) 8:15
DMC Woodstock 8:16
How is all that? What is that scene like? What is it like being in that scene?
Matt (Machine Girl) 8:22
Well, you know, I'll, I'll say that first of all, like, I would say I was much more involved in the quote, unquote "scene" a couple years ago. Now that I'm older, I am now, like the oldhead, you know?
DMC Woodstock 8:38
Matt (Machine Girl) 8:38
I'm in my 30s. Like, there's much younger kids doing crazy s***. I mean, it's just changed drastically between pre and post COVID.
DMC Woodstock 8:49
Yeah, I was gonna ask if COVID had anything to do with that.
Matt (Machine Girl) 8:52
Yeah, it absolutely did.
DMC Woodstock 8:54
You're just online, you know, you can't go to shows.
Matt (Machine Girl) 8:57
And there was just a whole new generation of kids that just popped up after COVID. There's a huge- we lost tons of venues. Like, New York was already losing, steadily losing venues before COVID, and then COVID really f****** up, which I'm sure it did across the country. But like, you know, there's pretty much almost no, like, true DIY spots in the city right now that are, like, bigger where you can throw, like, bigger punk shows and s***. Like, you used to be able to do that, you know.
DMC Woodstock 9:32
That sucks.
Matt (Machine Girl) 9:33
It does suck. And like, that's really where a lot of scenes flourish. And what I've noticed is that there's a lot less bands and like performance-based electronic stuff, which was really becoming, like, very trendy a couple years ago. That's still there, but now it feels like the biggest heavy electronic scene in the city is, like, the gabber / hardcore scene.
DMC Woodstock 10:08
I know uh, what was it? I'm trying to think, is it like, jump up...?
Matt (Machine Girl) 10:12
Like, the, yeah, yeah, jump up crew? Is that what they're called?
DMC Woodstock 10:16
I think so, yeah.
(They're actually called United Jump Front)
Matt (Machine Girl) 10:17
Yeah, them, and Helltekk and yeah, like, that s***'s huge.
DMC Woodstock 10:24
Where you see that scene heading?
Matt (Machine Girl) 10:27
I don't know. I mean, I hope that to, like, you know, bigger- just inspiring more like collectives and DJs and stuff like that. And I hope that maybe they, because they, you know, especially, like, I know, Helltekk, like, has done a lot of those renegade raves in the woods, which are really difficult to do. But like, I hope that more and more of that kind of energy, manifests in the city.
DMC Woodstock 11:02
Matt (Machine Girl) 11:03
Yeah, also quickly, while you're asking this question, I'm gonna finish making my tea.
DMC Woodstock 11:07
DMC Woodstock [After show] 11:08
What do you like about Machine Girl? Do you like Machine Girl? Were you here for Machine Girl or were you here for Snooper?
Interviewee 4 11:16
I was here for both. I gotta say, Machine Girl really wowed me. They went beyond my expectations. They slayed. Really cool, fun live performance, lots of great crowd involvement. Yeah, it was pretty fun!
DMC Woodstock [After show] 11:32
Awesome. Thank you so much.
Machine Girl [On Stage] 11:40
[Ionic Funk (20XXX Battle Music) by Machine Girl] I've never heard of such a thing! I've never heard of such a thing in my life! Magic the Gathering? What the hell is that? [Unintelligable]
DMC Woodstock 11:59
Back from the tea break.
Matt (Machine Girl) 12:01
DMC Woodstock 12:02
So I wanted to, you know, on the subject of Chaotic Ugly and talking about ugliness, I wanted to ask you- you know, there's- you know, you have The Ugly Art, you have DJ Chaotic Ugly, "stay ugly." Ugliness is important to Machine Girl, it seems. What is the appeal of ugliness to you? Getting a little more abstract here,[laughs]
Matt (Machine Girl) 12:27
Yeah, and I think it's like, you know, and I say that it is an abstraction. It just, you know, it means, like, not allowing things to be... not..- There's times where you have to be ugly in the sense of pushing back against something and possibly, you know, introducing conflict or not conforming, you know, I mean, which is pretty, like, you know, tropey or whatever, but like, yeah. That's kind of what I mean, you know, especially with just, like, how s*** everything in the world is. Like, because we all, as humans, you know, have the tendency to want to blend, fit in and be copacetic
DMC Woodstock 13:16
Matt (Machine Girl) 13:16
You know, and staying ugly is like reminding yourself not to do that because, you know, that's how a lot of evil and negative aspects of human nature, like, settle into normalcy.You know?
DMC Woodstock 13:34
Matt (Machine Girl) 13:35
So that's, that's kind of what the stay ugly mantra is about.
Interviewee 1 13:39
...I can't remember what the Lyric is.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 13:41
How do you feel about ugliness?
Interviewee 1 13:43
I like it. I think you can embrace it. I think you can do it on purpose. I think you can do it accidentally. I like it
DMC Woodstock [After show] 13:48
Hell yeah.
Interviewee 1 13:49
It's unique.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 13:50
It's unique.
Interviewee 1 13:50
Yeah, it's what makes somebody unique. Embrace it.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 13:53
Perfect. Thank you so much.
Interviewee 1 13:55
Of course.
Machine Girl [On Stage] 13:57
This one is about being stuck in a fortress
Unknown Speaker 14:01
[Crowd Cheering]
Machine Girl [On Stage] 14:02
Kind of what we feel like right now, at least, that's what I imagine that everyone in here feels like
Unknown Speaker 14:10
[More cheering]
Machine Girl [On Stage] 14:10
I hope maybe this will be cathartic... or something
[The Fortress [The Blood Inside] by Machine Girl] The blood inside the fortress, The blood inside the fortress, The blood inside the fortress, The blood inside the fortress, The blood inside the fortress, The blood inside the fortress, The blood inside the fortress
DMC Woodstock [After show] 14:44
Did you find Machine Girl cathartic? Did you find this whole performance cathartic?
Interviewee 1 14:48
Absolutely, this is my fourth time seeing them, and I fell in love with them because the first time I saw them, I really had no idea who they were, and I was like, "this is magical". I feel like I got beat up, but in the best way possible. So I love, love coming to machine girl shows just for the crowd. You don't get this energy anymore.
Machine Girl [On Stage] 15:26
[Schizodipshit by Machine Girl] I speak to the saved, The sick and insane, Open your mind, Don't be afraid
DMC Woodstock [After show] 15:34
What do you like about Machine Girl?
Interviewee 3 15:36
My favorite thing about Machine Girl is that it is subverting both electronic music as well as punk music. A lot of attempts to try and get into it lean too far in one direction or the other one. I feel like they're bringing a lot of color to both the punk scene as well as a lot of the underground electronic music scene. You know, they don't really like sign themselves to like one thing or the other. Like they had, f****** Because I'm Young, Arrogant and Hate Everything You Stand For, which is just a whole f****** punk album. And immediately afterwards, did a f****** breakcore Sonic the Hedgehog soundtrack to a speed running video game, and then returned back to form, and then made this f****** EP for a manga dude- which is f****** insane! That's awesome. I love that amount of creativity in any sort of artist, and especially them, man.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 16:27
Absolutely. Hey, thank you guys so much.
Interviewee 3 16:30
Yeah, dude. F******... if you voted for Trump, I'm gonna [Censored].
Interviewee 2 16:37
Yeah, f*** Trump.
Interviewee 3 16:38
Live long and prosper. That's all I got.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 16:40
All right, sick, thank you guys.
Interviewee 3 16:42
God bless. You take it easy dude
DMC Woodstock 16:44
I wanted to talk about also the election, you know, it's, it's something that's- it's all on our minds. It was three days ago, and, you know, in the wake of that, there's a lot of strong feelings of hopelessness, despair and anger. You know? A lot of people are angry. So how do you see your music and the energy that you're putting out into the world- How do you see that addressing this?
Matt (Machine Girl) 17:13
I mean, it already has, you know, like it's something in the last- since, Because I'm Young and Arrogant, it's something I've been addressing, like, because it's impossible to ignore, you know. And, yeah, I mean, like, there was a part of me that was... it's just... it's exhausting. You know? And I think that's how a lot of people feel, is it's like, holy s***, another four years, we gotta deal with this f****** a****** and- oh, am I allowed to curse?
DMC Woodstock 17:47
Uh, I'm gonna ***** it all out.
Matt (Machine Girl) 17:48
DMC Woodstock 17:49
So yeah, you're good
Matt (Machine Girl) 17:49
Okay. Yeah, I mean. It's like, we gotta deal with Trump for another four years. It's like, makes you want to f*****, you know, put a gun in your mouth. But, like, you know the thing- it's depressing for different reasons, you know, the fact that he won again. But like, I hope that maybe this was a necessary step towards people you know, actually now trying to work together to improve their lives and improve this, you know, this country from like, a true grassroots place, but we'll see. You know, it's really weird. It's like, right now we're in that weird calm before the storm is what it feels like.
DMC Woodstock 18:42
Yeah. Do you think that, you know, that despair turns to anger turns to you know, empowerment maybe? Turns to action?
Matt (Machine Girl) 18:54
Yes, I do, but I think it, you know, I- if there's something I feel that I've learned more and more as I've gotten older is that it doesn't magically happen, you know, all this s*** is work. And I think that's a reason that we've gotten to where we are. Because I think we've been manipulated into becoming backseat passengers in, like, the way that everything in our country, every major decision in our country has been made without our input, you know, and that we've just been so beaten down, you know, that it's like that fight has been like extinguished from a lot of people, you know. But the thing is, too that, like, you know, people's lives are still just comfortable enough where it's like, hasn't spoiled over into something like, more extreme. We'll see what happens. You know, I, I really- it's everyone- no one can say what's about to happen. I think that's the eerie part right now.
[Because I'm Young Arrogant and Hate Everything You Stand For by Machine Girl] Follow me, for all the insanity
Settle with the other things
Golden stuff inside of me, finally
Shattered glass
I exist in the sludge between fiction and fact
Future and past
DMC Woodstock 20:26
I know, like, social media and how we consume that is a big theme in a lot of your work. Do you see that as- people thinking that what they do, you know, doesn't really matter a whole lot- do you see that as being, like, a result of social media? And like, the abstraction between the rest of the world and themselves?
Matt (Machine Girl) 20:50
No, but I think that it has abstracted reality from- like, real IRL experience, from, like, what you see on the internet are like, two totally different things. And I mean, like, it's totally f***ed with everyone's heads, you know. And like, I mean, Trump, 100% is only here because of social media. Like that, his whole campaign from the start, like, his most intense followers were all radicalized online, you know? And that's what to me, is so f***ing scary, honestly and sad, and makes me definitely feel a little, not hopeless, but like it's depressing, you know. His biggest campaign f***ing poster boy was Elon Musk, who is now going to be, like, knee deep in his presidency, like you know, making- manipulating and getting- he's going to try to get Trump and his cabinet to like change s*** for his benefit, which is going to be at the expense of the rest of us, you know, and that's what's so infuriating to me about what just happened is like, all these people that are like, think they're voting for like a candidate that looks out for them and is like one of them, but it's like: literally, Trump is a billionaire, Elon Musk is a billionaire, and Jeff Bezos, who clearly, quietly, was rooting for him,
DMC Woodstock 22:30
With the Washington Post and all that,
Matt (Machine Girl) 22:30
Yeah. It's like the three most rich, powerful men all just got together and worked together to, like, take over the country. That- that to me is really sad, you know?
DMC Woodstock 22:46
Yeah. How do you feel about people that might use your music as a way of spurring that anger and that resentment into action?
Matt (Machine Girl) 22:59
I mean, that's what you could hope for. You know, I think that music, for one thing, is such a powerful tool, emotional tool, you know. It is a weird way. It's like weird emotional manipulation, you know. But like, yeah, I mean, I hope that I'm trying to spread a message that resonates with people, you know, and especially in young people. I mean, I think it's really important that they're aware and ready to go out there and make a change, you know. And if my music can even help a little bit with that, I mean, would be more than I could ask for, you know,
DMC Woodstock [After show] 23:46
It's after the show. How are you feeling?
Interviewee 5 23:48
Tired as f*** honestly. It's a lot. Takes a lot out of you, but it's worth it.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 23:55
Why is it worth it?
Interviewee 5 23:57
I don't know. I love the sound, I love the crowd. I love the energy. Something about it just gets me. And this was an amazing show. I'm not gonna forget this for a long time.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 24:07
Absolutely, did you feel like this was cathartic?
Interviewee 5 24:10
Honestly, yeah, I feel that way. I needed to get a lot of energy out, given everything that's happened with the election and all that, and this was definitely there for me.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 24:19
Hell yeah. Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker 24:33
[Dread Architect by Machine Girl]
DMC Woodstock 24:37
Completely switching topics here, full 360...full 180. 360's all the way around.
Matt (Machine Girl) 24:45
You'd be in the same place
DMC Woodstock 24:45
Yeah [laughs]. I want to talk about John Lee,
Matt (Machine Girl) 24:50
Oh yeah
DMC Woodstock 24:51
The Motherfather music video that you put out for your new single was directed by John Lee. Who you know, co-wrote Wonder Showzen and
Matt (Machine Girl) 25:04
Wonder Showzen and Xavier
DMC Woodstock 25:06
Yep, Xavier Renegade Angel. Superjail, I think also.
Matt (Machine Girl) 25:12
No, I don't think so. I think maybe they produced it?
DMC Woodstock 25:19
Produced Superjail
Matt (Machine Girl) 25:20
DMC Woodstock 25:22
How did that whole relationship come about? Working with John Lee?
Matt (Machine Girl) 25:27
It was just through the label that I've been working with. They just reached out, like sent a cold email, and really, I didn't think that he would respond at all, but he got back to them within like, a couple hours, and that night, they were already on the phone, and then I spoke to him like once or twice before they went through and made the video. But I mean, you know, it was definitely like a bucket list opportunity, yeah.
DMC Woodstock 26:05
So did you have the idea to want to work with him?
Matt (Machine Girl) 26:09
DMC Woodstock 26:10
You were just like, "I really want to work with this guy. Like, can we reach out?"
Matt (Machine Girl) 26:13
Yeah, well, we've reached out to PFFR, which is his production company with Vernon Chatman and Alyson Levy, I think?
DMC Woodstock 26:23
Yeah, yeah,
Matt (Machine Girl) 26:26
Yeah. So it was like, I didn't know in what capacity, but it was awesome that he specifically was down.
DMC Woodstock 26:36
Yeah that's really sick.
Machine Girl [On Stage] 26:41
It's so wonderful to be here in this city, in North Carolina.
Unknown Speaker 26:50
[Crowd Cheering]
Machine Girl [On Stage] 26:53
I see a lot of very colorful faces here. Some clowns, some Juggalos. Are you a Juggalo? Oh, you are Juggalo! Hell yeah, let's hear it for the Juggalos.
[Crowd Cheering]
Let's hear it for the furries.
[Slightly louder cheering]
DMC Woodstock [After show] 27:18
All right, we are here outside the Machine Girl concert with two beautiful furries.
Interviewee 6 27:25
DMC Woodstock [After show] 27:26
How did you like the show?
Interviewee 6 27:28
It was so f***ing awesome. It was so great.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 27:31
How are you feeling right now?
Interviewee 6 27:34
My knees are bending backwards [laughing]
DMC Woodstock [After show] 27:39
Have you seen Xavier Renegade Angel, by chance? His knees bend backwards.
Interviewee 7 27:43
Oh I f***ing love that show [laughing]
DMC Woodstock 27:46
I know you've sampled Xavier Renegade Angel in your music before. Do you have a favorite episode or a favorite quote, something that lives in your mind?
Matt (Machine Girl) 27:59
Oh, man, it's literally so across the board, like nearly flawless. It's really hard to pick, but if I had to pick like a top three, it would be Going Normal, Signs From Godrilla, which is like the gorilla episode
DMC Woodstock 28:16
Yeah, with the preacher? The radio preacher?
Matt (Machine Girl) 28:19
Yeah. And then maybe either Shakashuri Blowdown, the season finale, the first season where he, like, splits in two is incredible. Or either, or the fan submission episode, which inspired the fandemic video I made during lockdown, of all the fan submitted videos, and s***. It was totally super influenced by that episode.
DMC Woodstock 28:49
Yeah, that's awesome,
Matt (Machine Girl) 28:50
DMC Woodstock 28:52
Any quotes that live in your mind?
Matt (Machine Girl) 28:56
I mean, just like the classics, like, "frit-ta-ta." Like, "I would have gone with the grinder"
DMC Woodstock 29:04
DMC Woodstock [After show] 29:07
What was your favorite part of tonight's show?
Interviewee 6 29:09
Oh, man. Snooper was so good. The guy with the mullet, he had such a stage presence. It was so f***ing awesome, man.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 29:15
Did you come for Snooper or Machine Girl, or both?
Interviewee 6 29:17
Machine Girl, but those openers were so good. I'm a new fan.
DMC Woodstock 29:22
Is- You know, besides John Lee, is there anybody else you want to work with in the future? You know, like artists, you know, like filmmakers, like anybody?
Matt (Machine Girl) 29:31
Yeah, totally, totally. Um...
DMC Woodstock 29:35
Sky's the limit. Who would it be?
Matt (Machine Girl) 29:40
Oh, man, this is one of those questions that now you put me on the spot, like,
Right? There's so many people.
Yeah. I mean, there's like, different things. Like, I have thought it would be cool to, like, collaborate with, like, Venetian Snares and like do an EP or something where he produced the whole thing and I just threw vocals on top. And like, doing that with like a couple different producers would be really cool. Um, I mean, total, like, wouldn't- you know it's never gonna happen. But like, working with Andre 3000...
DMC Woodstock 30:19
Hey, never say never.
Matt (Machine Girl) 30:22
Yeah, but a feature from him would be incredible.
DMC Woodstock 30:28
Yeah, that'd be pretty sick. Are there any like, filmmakers, or anything like that you're like-
Matt (Machine Girl) 30:37
Like, newer filmmakers?
DMC Woodstock 30:40
Or just like anybody, I guess, outside of music, that you would want to work with? People like John Lee, you know, where you're like-
Matt (Machine Girl) 30:49
I mean, I would love to do something with, now that I've worked with John Lee, to do something with Vernon Chatman, yeah. He's like, 93 years old, but like, Jodorowsky would be sick. Paul Verhoeven, who's also, like, 80-something years old, the Robocop director. Cronenberg. All the classics. Lynch, who also, unfortunately can't shoot movies anymore, but he would be sick to work with.
Machine Girl [On Stage] 31:22
[Half Asleep by Machine Girl]
DMC Woodstock [After show] 31:36
Did you find tonight cathartic in any way?
Interviewee 6 31:38
Yes, yes, it was so awesome. Just watching everyone get on the stage and just like, dap 'em up and everything was so f***ing awesome.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 31:45
Hell yeah. Thank you so much for your time. It's been lovely.
Interviewee 6 31:49
Yeah, of course man
DMC Woodstock 31:50
My last question here is: is there any music that you feel like not enough people know about? Stuff that you've been bumping, stuff that you've been listening to, stuff that you want more people to know about?
Matt (Machine Girl) 32:04
I mean, I love the new- I'm gonna butcher this name, but Hakushi haga- Hasegawa.
DMC Woodstock 32:12
Hasegawa?! Yeah, that was cool!
Matt (Machine Girl) 32:14
Yes, her, her s*** I'm obsessed with. I mean, Snooper, who we're touring with now, I love. I honestly like- Oh! And like, the new Chat Pile is awesome.
DMC Woodstock 32:28
Matt (Machine Girl) 32:29
I've been very heavily listening to that.
DMC Woodstock 32:32
Sick World, right?
Matt (Machine Girl) 32:33
Cool World,
DMC Woodstock 32:34
Cool World!
Matt (Machine Girl) 32:36
Yeah, that's a great record. Yeah, I've been listening to a lot of older s*** so, my new recommendations are probably not- are limited.
DMC Woodstock 32:48
Yeah, I saw your playlist on Spotify. Big collaboration. There's, like, I don't know, like 900 people who put songs in there,
Matt (Machine Girl) 32:57
Something ridiculous, like that.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 32:59
All right, it's after the show. We're outside. How are you feeling?
Interviewee 8 33:01
I'm feeling great, man. That was my first time in Lincoln Theater, and my first time seeing Machine Girl.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 33:07
Absolutely. What were your expectations versus how it was?
Interviewee 8 33:11
I was really nervous actually going into it, because they're my favorite band in the world, but it was super fun. I was scared of the mosh pit, but I warmed up to it really fast.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 33:21
Nice! What is it- what makes Machine Girl your favorite?
Interviewee 8 33:26
Machine Girl? Just because they make their own f***ing noise and don't put a label on themselves, man. Also f*** Trump.
DMC Woodstock [After show] 33:32
All right. Thank you so much.
Machine Girl [On Stage] 33:37
Thank you so much. Shout out to Snooper. Shout out to f***ing Kill Altars. Shout out to yourselves. And f*** Donald Trump.
DMC Woodstock 33:51
I think that about wraps it up.
Matt (Machine Girl) 33:53
DMC Woodstock 33:54
Thank you so much for talking with me.
Matt (Machine Girl) 33:56
Of course.
DMC Woodstock 33:58
This has been Machine Girl.
Matt (Machine Girl) 34:01
Ma - chine - girl
DMC Woodstock 34:03
Alright, you've been listening to DMC Woodstock interviewing Machine Girl on WKNC. Take it easy.
Interviewee 9 34:14
The crowd at the Machine Girl show was so cool. Like, I don't think I've ever felt so much connection with people at that big of a show. It felt like a big community where I was able to, like, walk back into the pit, and people knew me, even though I'd never seen them in my life. Everyone wanted to celebrate and have fun with each other, it was so cool.
DMC Woodstock 34:32
Before the audio ends, I'd like to give a quick thanks to Michael Pilmer for providing the audio recording for the Machine Girl show. You can check out his YouTube channel @MichaelPilmer For more concert footage and other fun music related videos. I'd also like to thank Chalcopyrite for drawing the cover art for this interview.
Robot 34:48
Thank you for tuning in to this interview with. Machine Girl. And. DMC Woodstock. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming on WKNC.
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